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17 April, 2017 at 2:54 pm #1035997
I’m starting to feel better about the situation. China is working with the US on it. It was China’s statement that war is imminent which led to my worry. Now I’m thinking that is Sino-US pressure on the Beloved Leader. phew The bet is still on though, about whether the US can beat Russia, China etc together.
Most people on the Jc boards will be dead within 25 years, so in the wider scheme of things does it really matter… why so much worry?
but aside from that don’t be cheeky I ain’t that old TYVM
But you soon will be
Gobshyte …
18 April, 2017 at 12:29 pm #1036233I’m starting to feel better about the situation. China is working with the US on it. It was China’s statement that war is imminent which led to my worry. Now I’m thinking that is Sino-US pressure on the Beloved Leader. phew The bet is still on though, about whether the US can beat Russia, China etc together.
Most people on the Jc boards will be dead within 25 years, so in the wider scheme of things does it really matter… why so much worry?
but aside from that don’t be cheeky I ain’t that old TYVM
But you soon will be
Gobshyte …
“Gobshyte”, now that’s a proper word
19 April, 2017 at 7:27 am #1036542Donald’s still demanding the Queens golden coach for his visit …… bloody queen that he is.
19 April, 2017 at 8:41 am #1036547Donald’s still demanding the Queens golden coach for his visit …… bloody queen that he is.
It’s coz he needs the headroom so he doesn’t ruffle his golden locks of course.
19 April, 2017 at 9:17 am #1036553he’d better get the Queen’s coach, or he’ll be sending a military task force into the English Channel.
he’s not just anybody, he owns a golf course in Scotland.
30 April, 2017 at 10:41 am #1039917Kim aint having much luck with his ballistic missiles, I can imagine him being the type who lights a rocket on bonfire night then it falls over before it goes off and shoots next doors moggy.
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2 May, 2017 at 7:30 am #1040274with the Cuba crisis Russia won that power play though media etc were tall it had backed down. Russia and USA made a deal. ( only just coming to light ) so USA could save face.
while we may have psychopath running N Korea. we can’t compare with Trump. yes . he can act oddly and is far more self centred and outspoken than his former leaders. he has a full range of level headed staff around him whom for example won’t simply sit back and allow him to ‘push’ a nuclear button on a whim.
much of this is sabre rattling. the only worry here is if the Korean nutter fail to listen to China and russia giving direction and thinks he can actually take on ( at the moment) worlds leading military power and live!
so rest easy, odds are very unlikey usa will cause any heavy reaction even if its warships are attacked by Korea . probably a dozen or so cruise missiles in return to let him know he can’t throw his dummy into USA playground without rebuke. on Koreas part despite what appears to be full obedience to his every whim by his military .. there will be increasing worry for him that if he pushes too far ..his own staff may take him out. thus nullifying risks to selves and families etc. wonder if He has food tasters in place as well as body guards ?
2 May, 2017 at 10:44 am #1040292If Korea attacked US warships I’d imagine it would be deemed an act of war and in that case Trump would probably have the American public onside to launch more of an attack than a dozen cruise missiles. Personally I think it would be a good excuse for Trump to really flex the US’s muscles and show Kim once and for all what he’s dealing with.
2 May, 2017 at 1:41 pm #1040313Very hard to say what will happen.
North Korea’s army is a million strong, but it’s so crap in terms of supplies that it’s likely to run out of shells within a couple of weeks in the event of a war.
It’s crap because all the money has been put into nuclear weapons development and the huge amount of artillery on the border. The latter can kill quite a lot of Seoul’s 20 million civilians. The former is scary, and nobody knows whether the Beloved FatBoy will press the trigger. The US has got its anti-missile programme there now, but it will take a few moths to become fully active, I believe.
The Beloved One is hopefully unwilling to shuffle off his mortal coil in such a horrifying disaster..but who am I to know?
2 May, 2017 at 4:04 pm #1040339North Korea’s army is a million strong, but it’s so crap in terms of supplies that it’s likely to run out of shells within a couple of weeks in the event of a war.
I don’t think the Korean people are as indocrinated as the media seems to show, even those in the military. I think as soon as a war started you would see elements of the North Korean military break off and fight against the government if they see a chance at freedom.
Even the ones that truely believe, their image of Kim and his narative would be shattered after the first few defeats against American forces, which would destroy moral within their army.
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