Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum three boards i burned my bridges and my wife found out

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  • #1118579

    PML@sceppers………acting like a twat but does he know that?……………

    Sure he does but the question we need to ask ourselves is…..Does he care  :yahoo:


    well the room has been full of constant talk of a certain bloke who was building a lil harem

    all of a sudden his name is mud

    for what i can see his only crime was using the same cheesy lines to a whole bevi of beautiful girls

    trouble is they were all told they was special and they felt so special they told there mates

    now they feel annoyed

    a word of advice to would be harem builders is dont use the same cheesy lines to all the girls

    i know im going to get so much grief now over this but the boards def needed livening up

    how dull have they become mainly due to cosys very boring threads

    one good thing is pete wont be on telling me im fat and bold again

    cus rumour is he quit the boardsSee the source image

    now who is going to be brave enough to post lol


    I do agree line changing does at least prove you have better class and you more smart in the game, pulling in more conquest.

    Different female personalities as you know.


    I joined chat May 26, 2017.


    I joined chat May 26, 2002

    See the source image


    Dates and times were never your strong point Lindarella, so let me remind you that you joined in 2002. I can tell you the names you used back then if you like x

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  Scorpion.

    Go right ahead. I challenge you. Go back and look to see dirt bag. Lol. I told everyone earlier on why joined. What doing.  Find my dates you dip shyte. Lol lol lol lol lol lol  :yahoo:   :-)   :whistle:   ;-)   :-(   :yes:   :bye:   :bye:   :bye:   :bye:   :bye:   :bye:   :bye:   :bye:   :bye:


    All in due course Lindarella.

    Trust me have faith in god he created us, and I will teach you how to read and write properly x


    Dont waste your time..bye

    1 member liked this post.

    Dont waste your time..bye

    See :yahoo: I :yahoo: knew :yahoo: you :yahoo: could :yahoo: say :yahoo: something :yahoo: we :yahoo: could :yahoo: all :yahoo: understand :yahoo: one :yahoo: day x


    Is Kev London still beating thick slice to all the gals ennit x

    You are a woman who is pretending to be male. Did Kev London have his way with you? Invite you to a London hotel? Did thick slice refuse to have his way with you? Considering he sleeps with anything with a pulse that must have been some rejection to deal with.

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