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  • #332456

    thought ye were showing off yer new boots n panties for a min :)


    be a while before Im in any state to do that but when I do……. :wink:


    hehe,,god im due out in a min..the mother in laws weekly visit to my daughters hoose. I really cant be ersed listening to her stories.she goes on about things from the 40’s and looks at me for back up,assuming im her age ! ffs i know im not getting any younger but im hardly 83 ..gotta laugh,grit the teeth and mumble under breath :)


    pml ruby have fun :lol: :lol:
    hope your feeling not too bad shazza xx


    @sharongooner wrote:

    thanks NCB xx

    I already have a dodgy hip from a fall years ago and that kicks in a lot all these years on so Im expecting this to add to it.

    Had a wicked sleep last night, the pain killers and big V shaped pillow really were a great help.

    Bit sore this morning, was to be expected I suppose, so gonna chill for another day.

    sorry to read you broke your bum :lol: :lol: and I hope Im not going to regret this but where did you stick your bum on your big V shaped pillow :lol: :lol: serious you should be more careful when p1ssed you could have spilt your drink xx


    haha! the drinks were safe (of course!)

    I lay on the pillow half way down my back so my bottom is elevated with no weight pressing on it. Dave got me the rubber ring today, but thats uncomfortable at the moment. It may help at work when I go back though and have to sit straight. At the mo, laying down on the V cushion is the comfiest, or sitting on one cheek only… :wink:


    @rubyred wrote:

    hehe,,god im due out in a min..the mother in laws weekly visit to my daughters hoose. I really cant be ersed listening to her stories.she goes on about things from the 40’s and looks at me for back up,assuming im her age ! ffs i know im not getting any younger but im hardly 83 ..gotta laugh,grit the teeth and mumble under breath :)

    Good luck and its these sorts of visits that people really appreciate. I’ll be doing it to you when your 83, so just you remember that :wink:


    send her my way rubes i love listening to old people talking abt the old days and telling stories, its like history in real time and in a real way rather than what u read in books.
    i know i know im sad lol


    If you can get past the smell of wee old people are cool. I think they should be avalible for rent :D


    shaz if you’re constipated try a few dried apricots…jeez thats one mistake i wont make again. I was happily wolfing some down as a snack, didnt realise they had an after effect… better than any laxative you’ll ever have! :shock: :P

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