Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › I ADORE Ed Miliband
29 September, 2010 at 2:09 am #15153
yes !
29 September, 2010 at 2:13 am #448207ya get all the half wits going !! ooooooh he is a ” red”.. fucking RIGHT he is.. I demand Old Labour back,, I demand Power to the Unions.. I WANT the people to sing and laugh and rejoice at Ed.. I have not got my friend Esmeralda. ,,
viva La Socialiste etc.
Ed.. YAY !
29 September, 2010 at 2:15 am #448208ED. promise all ya have and bless ye. I wanted and voted ye.
ignorance is bliss.. and lassie I miss ye x
29 September, 2010 at 11:48 am #448209“We saw Ed the leader,” was clearly the script, and true to form several senior Labour luminaries said these very words like so many Stepford wives. Listening to them, I first of all wondered if they’d been watching the same speech as me, and then realised with a slight frisson that I was watching the process of mass delusion so common to barmy religious cults. Had the whole assembled gathering taken a death-pill in admiration of Ed the Miliband of Hope, you couldn’t have called it entirely unexpected.
There have of course been so many of these new dawns for Labour since the only asset they ever had was dragged screaming from the limelight to pursue new careers as estate agent, arms dealer, banker, after-dinner speaker and writer of blockbuster fiction. Gordon of Ourdoom was himself relaunched many times with speeches that weren’t half bad – speeches which became “mesmerising” once the cameras were on a senior delegate. But the effort from Mr Ed was well over half bad.
I have been watching in awe as the Labour party utterly destroyed itself. From allowing the unions the free reign to throw David Miliband to the dogs via a ridiculous voting system, to the utterly useless conference itself that did nothing to even attempt to understand why Labour are no longer in office let alone about what to do about it, to a dismal attempt to proclaim “a new generation” on the back of endorsements from Neil Kinnock and Tony Benn.
Sure, they have a million trade unionists who will soon be even more skint and unemployed as a crash diet hits the public sector. Sure, they will always have the fanatical Jontys and Clarissas who’s parents were made very comfortable working for Labour sponsored charities, quangos or media and yes, they will always have the undying love of various unqualified immigrants who have seen their hopes and dreams of owning more than an AK47 and a mud hut realised by free handouts from a burgeoning Welfare State bigger than John Prescott’s dinner plate.
But the rest of us? The millions of people who work, don’t break the law, don’t drive too fast, pay mortgages, care about the education of their children and just wish to be left alone by Government?
Labour can offer us nothing but more of the same shi te they subjected the country to for 13 long years.
Will I mourn the Labour party? Nope. I intend to pi ss on its grave, dig it up, set fire to it and bury it again. The beast is dying, I heard the death rattle on stage yesterday afternoon…
29 September, 2010 at 9:06 pm #448210he is full of rhetoric and still wet behind the ears.. he is just saying what people want to hear…….. time will tell
29 September, 2010 at 9:09 pm #448211Will I mourn the Labour party? Nope. I intend to pi ss on its grave, dig it up, set fire to it and bury it again.
QM – is that before or after you masturbate over Dave Cameron’s pic? :D
29 September, 2010 at 9:15 pm #448212@rubyred wrote:
ED. promise all ya have and bless ye. I wanted and voted ye.
ignorance is bliss.. and lassie I miss ye x
me too rubes
29 September, 2010 at 10:36 pm #448213A curious one.. Many see this as a step backwards for the British Labour Party.
Older brother David received the most votes from MPs and ordinary Labour Party members.
Ed won thanks to the huge vote he got from the Trade Unions.The only reason Labour gained power in the first place in the 1990s was due to Tony Blair recognising the sceptism existing between business and the City with the arcane mechanics of Trade Unionism. By promoting a new, centre – leaning socialism he, and his New Labour strategy went a long way in bridging this gap which for so long kept Labour from power.. recognising the inherent failure in exclusively leftist political mantra and promoting modern, market based dynamics that also include the basic cultural tenets of socialism as best they could.
Third Way politics as it had come to be known.Trade Unions have never really forgiven Mr. Blair (or his followers) for this.
Trade Unionism gave birth to The Labour Party.. but like an over protective mother, it stifled it’s horizons and potential on many occasions, often for selfish reasons
This result could be one of those tragic repressions.
Maybe not?Oh and I believe Ed is a Leeds Utd Supporter….
God help you all!!:roll:
30 September, 2010 at 6:39 pm #448214He better watch out for Preston then!
30 September, 2010 at 11:10 pm #448215@Sgt Pepper wrote:
A curious one.. Many see this as a step backwards for the British Labour Party.
Older brother David received the most votes from MPs and ordinary Labour Party members.
Ed won thanks to the huge vote he got from the Trade Unions.The only reason Labour gained power in the first place in the 1990s was due to Tony Blair recognising the sceptism existing between business and the City with the arcane mechanics of Trade Unionism. By promoting a new, centre – leaning socialism he, and his New Labour strategy went a long way in bridging this gap which for so long kept Labour from power.. recognising the inherent failure in exclusively leftist political mantra and promoting modern, market based dynamics that also include the basic cultural tenets of socialism as best they could.
Third Way politics as it had come to be known.Trade Unions have never really forgiven Mr. Blair (or his followers) for this.
Trade Unionism gave birth to The Labour Party.. but like an over protective mother, it stifled it’s horizons and potential on many occasions, often for selfish reasons
This result could be one of those tragic repressions.
Maybe not?Oh and I believe Ed is a Leeds Utd Supporter….
God help you all!!:roll:
The Trade Unions did not give birth to the Labour Party. Giving more working class people the vote gave birth to the Labour Party as a party to cater for their needs. The Trade Unions naturally allied with this new party as it represented the needs of their members.
Besides, Keir Hardie was a Methodist Preacher not a Trade Union man – hence the quote: “Socialism in Britain owed more to Methodism than Marx,” by Morgan Philips in the 1950s.
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