i did shop around, I did see the ones for £5 and could’nt really see the difference, apart from they seemed to be angled at one end to make it easier to clip in
the guy at the shop said they are £1.25p at his place (18 inches) I could have waited till Monday, but i’m too impatient, so i paid the extra 75p hoping i’ll get this one for weekend, I also ordered 3gb of ram, so i’ve really spoilt my pc this week, some reason I have a strange combination of 1gb , 256, 256 ddr2 ram at the moment, no idea what i’m going to do with my spare 256’s afterwards
my dell diminsion pc already had a spare power cable threading from the one that is already connected to my current drive, so no problems with power for me, should be pretty straight forward, just the cloning looks a bit more complexed, will keep me busy