Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › How to Ruin a Chatroom in Three Simple Steps
14 February, 2021 at 7:59 pm #1134658
- Charge £10 for membership
- Ban interesting members until there are very few left
- Make all rooms members only
How to make a chatroom that you can actually chat in? Ban spammers, abusers and all numbers who talk about raping chatters kids amongst other vile unmentionable racist posts.
Guess this isn’t the place for you Divine if you find that interesting!
Your voyeurism is disturbing!
The ban of guests in forum got nothing to do with the members of this site.
More to do with the site’s staff and lack of them. 3 site admin was never enough.
If you want to stop repeat abuses of this site…. block vpn’s Its not that hard to do !!
I hope the guests will return soon before too many members leave.
Whereas I know you are probably suffering from spamming withdrawal and you can waffle on about VPN’s and all that as much as you like. Being a technophobe I’m not really interested in your theories and most won’t be either.
The fact is that people will be able to chat without seeing all the vile abuse and guests are never going to be allowed to return.
So suck up it. The rooms are going to be quieter for a while, that goes without saying but at least those who choose to pay for a membership can chat knowing they won’t be abused and if they are it will easier to ban the abusers and cost them money.
The site will need very few Admin now the numbers can’t spam.
This is like throwing the baby out with the bath water
VPN’s have been causing issues on many sites in the last few years. Even the BBC had problems and installed a VPN blocker.
Using LD’s argument…. they should have just shut there online content down.
My opinion on guests is simple: they never start off causing trouble & most are ok.
So I feel this may have nothing to do with guests more to do with site admin losing control. Its not that hard to remove and stop abusive returning. With a little time and work the problem can be solved.
What a pile of rubbish that is Doa! You have no idea how many hours Admin have banned the abusers constantly to no avail. Our powers are very limited as you know.
Guests always start the rubbish and abuse, as the members don’t want to be charged another tenner when they are banned.
Admin don’t lose control, they have none over the numbers and the numbers used to know that !
You, as a constant scroller must be feeling the pain but there is nothing you can do now is there?
Happy Valentines!
Let me say first:
I’ve not scrolled or spammed in years. There are easier ways of shutting forums down and requiring far less work. Spamming is soooo 2015 too.
If admin powers are very limited, improve them !!!
Years ago here was 20 or more admin controlling the madness. Right now it feels like there a 3 making the rules up as they going along.
And you did lose control !!! Why else would you ban all guests ?
All websites need constancy updating and work. Its seem no one is willing to put in the work on here.
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14 February, 2021 at 8:25 pm #1134659How to make a chatroom that you can actually chat in? Ban spammers, abusers and all numbers who talk about raping chatters kids amongst other vile unmentionable racist posts.
Chat to who?
9 times out of 10 when i sign in I see that nobody posted for hours and that nobody is online.
Guess this isn’t the place for you Divine if you find that interesting! Your voyeurism is disturbing!
Guides/Hosts randomly threatening to ban people, and telling them to leave doesn’t exactly do much to encourage people to use the site.
And exactly where and when did any Guide or Host threaten to ban or tell chatters to leave? They might warn a chatter, however, most don’t waste their breath they would just ban them for violating the rules.
Is your unsubstantiated accusation of my voyeurism a violation of the site rules?
You made an unprovoked personal attack and serious accusation about my character.
I simply made a timely observation about the deterioration of this site and should be able to do so without abuse being directed at me by a moderator.
I half expect to banned for daring to point out your hypocrisy but rest assured that everything has been screenshootted already.
14 February, 2021 at 8:42 pm #1134660Nurse Ratchett!!!! Give me my cigarettes!
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14 February, 2021 at 8:58 pm #1134661comedy gold😁👍
15 February, 2021 at 6:18 am #1134666All websites need constancy updating and work. Its seem no one is willing to put in the work on here.
You were willing to put the work in over at Patschat DOA… You actually publicly posted the code on how to spam this site and subsequently this site was spammed to death for months until Martin updated it. People stopped logging in because of that spam.
I happen to know where you got that code and it certainly wasn’t your work. It is totally irrelevant who the spammer(s) were you provided the tools for them to do it, you are responsible and no one else.
Now I know you like to portray yourself as an IT guru, as you reinvent yourself every few years however the reality is somewhat different isn’t it DOA.
Have fun DOA destroyer of sites and general all-round wanker!
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15 February, 2021 at 8:12 am #1134667The guests were the most interesting part of the chatroom. 5/6 Members chatting nicely with each other is rather dull I’d imagine. Not sure why Martin doesn’t want us trolling as guests, he probably joined in anyway when he was tipsy 😐
You are obviously finding the boards more exciting than the rooms at the moment then….not sure why you’re moaning….one site…2 alternatives to kill some time…next you will want your guests being allowed to post on the boards
Or maybe you never got trolled or maybe you enjoyed others being trolled or maybe you trolled as a guest? ….
15 February, 2021 at 10:57 am #113466815 February, 2021 at 2:10 pm #1134671bravo😁👍
15 February, 2021 at 4:00 pm #1134672All websites need constancy updating and work. Its seem no one is willing to put in the work on here.
You were willing to put the work in over at Patschat DOA… You actually publicly posted the code on how to spam this site and subsequently this site was spammed to death for months until Martin updated it. People stopped logging in because of that spam.
I happen to know where you got that code and it certainly wasn’t your work. It is totally irrelevant who the spammer(s) were you provided the tools for them to do it, you are responsible and no one else.
Now I know you like to portray yourself as an IT guru, as you reinvent yourself every few years however the reality is somewhat different isn’t it DOA.
Have fun DOA destroyer of sites and general all-round wanker!
Oh you bitch !!!
Look… I sent you a card honest
It must have got lost in the post or you nail the letter box shut again
….. it wont stop cov 19 !!!
Now for the coding…the codes being used now aren’t the same. The sites blocked the use of most of the older ones. Much like your family and your phone number
Now stop being a tart, put on a bit of lippy and wellie’s ….. walk that inflatable dog I got you for Christmas
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15 February, 2021 at 4:55 pm #1134676Oh you bitch !!! Look… I sent you a card honest
It must have got lost in the post or you nail the letter box shut again
….. it wont stop cov 19 !!! Now for the coding…the codes being used now aren’t the same. The sites blocked the use of most of the older ones. Much like your family and your phone number
Now stop being a tart, put on a bit of lippy and wellie’s ….. walk that inflatable dog I got you for Christmas
Of course it’s not the same codes being used now DOA you wanksock of a man and killer of chat sites. Because that particular spamming was in 2019, and in fact, the thread is still up on Patschat dated and in YOUR name you complete donut!
This site has been spammed for years and all because of YOU.
Then you even have the AUDACITY to rabbit on about the site owner not working hard enough to fix it and when in fact it is because of wobbly-faced degenerates like you that the site owner has all that work in the first place.
Do you see the problem here DOA?
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