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20 June, 2017 at 5:09 am #105489420 June, 2017 at 6:42 am #1054913
Oooh yes it’s just that easy eh?
You get out of life what you put into it – it really is that simple.
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20 June, 2017 at 6:58 am #1054914Arc en-
I agree, but sometimes (trying to find understanding to express correctly) not simple …
Curve balls (baseball) thrown into the mix not expecting so fast disrupts. Out of control. Some things easier then others to go for…
Agree with both responses.
20 June, 2017 at 8:01 am #1054922i want a unicorn where do i go to get one
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20 June, 2017 at 9:33 am #1054932Ha ha yes, i wasn’t talking quick fixes all i was saying really that that is the two main factors involved in getting what you want….Some people never decide what they want and others never go for what they know they want…so that is the formula, like said though, a lot of things never go according to plan but deciding what one w
ants and going for it will keep one on course no matter how long the journey or the detours that happen on the way.
20 June, 2017 at 1:12 pm #1054980Hello Misterq, not seen you before…..
can we just establish one thing ….
Are you Alfie ?
KIDDING I’m kidding guys ……
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20 June, 2017 at 1:28 pm #1054996hi moosey…..great to meet you…no i’m not this alfie..i’ve never spoken to you before. At least that’s broken the ice as the saying goes. You Male or female? I am Male. I have been in f3 for about a week and on
the boards..i have been in f2 for the last few years. Having a change and making new friends etc.
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20 June, 2017 at 1:30 pm #1054998LOL Paigey…well to be honest…there’s only one guy who can give you a unicorn and that’s Father Christmas.
20 June, 2017 at 5:50 pm #10550831 member liked this post.
20 June, 2017 at 7:34 pm #1055119 -
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