Boards Index General discussion Getting serious How to be a total mug in life!

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  • #7384

    1. Work hard and long hours, so that your hard earned pay can be taxed to the max to support welfare cheats, illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers. The money’s got to come from somewhere!

    2. Save for 50 years into a savings account that pays a paltry rate of interest, because the big banks are too stingy to pay you something worthwhile. (They have shareholders to think of, you know).

    3. Then watch those 50 years worth of savings disappear in 5 minutes when you end up having to pay for your own care in your old age, because no-one gives a sh*t about an old person. You’re now, of course, a burden on everyone, so the best thing is to hurry up and die!

    4. For those still in the land of the living keep voting for Labour or Conservative at every general election; it doesn’t matter which one because they’re both the same. Maintain the two party status quo ad nauseum.

    5. Be honest, courteous and respectful to everyone that you meet so it will be a lot easier for people to wipe their feet all over you. Now that’s what I call being courteous!

    6. Self respect and self esteem? Don’t be silly, that’s just a mug’s game!!


    You missed one out

    7) Be arrogant, supercilious, patronising and an eternal pessimist

    You work,you pay taxes- fact of life, get used to it.

    I’ll dont get a paltry rate of interest at all, if you know how to use and invest money, the returns can be very satisfying :D – you can also ensure all your money stays in the “family” and ensure the state (ie your taxes) pay for my old age. It isnt difficult :wink:

    Democracy can be a funny thing cant it- but so can any other form of electoral reform- vote BNP? Vote MRLP? Vote Ukip? Choice is there but you do the electorate a dissrevice in presuming they cant see past the two main parties- they can, but they arent appealing enough (yet)

    I’ve read several of your comments which appear to do nothing but complain about the state of the country (which of course is naturally your right)- if it really is in such an appalling state perhaps its time for you to consider a life changing move to another country which floats your boat.

    Me- I’ll stay in the best country in the world- it aint perfect, it can be frustrating but it can also be glorious- Ive travelled around the world and, with the exception of one other country, havent found any where that comes close to the UK.

    Respect and self esteem? Choice is yours but simple respect and self esteem, has got me virtually anything over the years- a job, mates, sex (a bit of self esteem always goes down well with the ladies :wink: ),

    Its all about being slightly streetwise- no one has ever wiped their feet on me yet…n if they do, I’ll leave a bad smell on their shoe- n if they do…so what? It aint the end of the world is it really- so your scammed by a scrote for a tenner, someone nicks your bike, someone cheats on ya etc etc- it aint so bad really

    Chill out, relax and enjoy life- let your glass be half full not half empty- life is for living and your only here the once

    So much angst- you’ll be dead by the time your 65 if you dont slow down and be positive!


    @slayer wrote:

    Chill out, relax and enjoy life- let your glass be half full not half empty- life is for living and your only here the once

    Would you say that if you didn’t like the social and political structure of society?


    Shut up please. Thanks! o/


    @emmalush wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    Chill out, relax and enjoy life- let your glass be half full not half empty- life is for living and your only here the once

    Would you say that if you didn’t like the social and political structure of society?

    I’d do jus what I do now…complain about, get off my arse and do something about it, support organisations which support my viewpoint…jus like you do :wink:

    BUT I would not belittle or patronise the millions of decent honest people (of all colours, creeds etc) who work hard, act responsibly and have a sense of pride and self esteem by calling them “mugs” because of their chosen way of life.


    @slayer wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    Chill out, relax and enjoy life- let your glass be half full not half empty- life is for living and your only here the once

    Would you say that if you didn’t like the social and political structure of society?

    I’d do jus what I do now…complain about, get off my fundamental orifice and do something about it, support organisations which support my viewpoint…jus like you do :wink:

    You’re weird :wink:


    Of course I am…I wouldnt be here otherwise :lol:


    1. Work hard and long hours, so that your hard earned pay can be taxed to the max to support welfare cheats, illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers. The money’s got to come from somewhere!

    working long hours is not a neccessity get the right qualifications get a good job, simple as that, you dont have to work in a bad place if people got off their backsides and got an education they would have a better job, as for paying tax every country does it so do we move on get over it

    2. Save for 50 years into a savings account that pays a paltry rate of interest, because the big banks are too stingy to pay you something worthwhile. (They have shareholders to think of, you know).

    if you recieve a stupid amount of interest you either are a child with a childs bank account or have such a bad credit history that the bank wont give you anything more than a basic savings account, try going into your bank and seeing your investments manager every bank has one, they will tell you where you can put your money for it to make more money back for you, just common sense that

    3. Then watch those 50 years worth of savings disappear in 5 minutes when you end up having to pay for your own care in your old age, because no-one gives a sh*t about an old person. You’re now, of course, a burden on everyone, so the best thing is to hurry up and die!

    get a pension? invest well? raise your family with values?
    again a bit of forward thinking sorts this problem out really

    4. For those still in the land of the living keep voting for Labour or Conservative at every general election; it doesn’t matter which one because they’re both the same. Maintain the two party status quo ad nauseum.

    you clearly havent read into either party properly to assume they are the same is just childish, until another party comes along that actually makes sense it will always be labour and conservatives, we won wars with these 2 governments we arent in trouble dont worry

    5. Be honest, courteous and respectful to everyone that you meet so it will be a lot easier for people to wipe their feet all over you. Now that’s what I call being courteous!

    arent we mr pessimist, i bet you are the life and soul of the party! so you are saying its best to be an ar5ehole to people because you assume they will be the same to you?
    its not hard to not allow people to walk over you, try backbone?

    6. Self respect and self esteem? Don’t be silly, that’s just a mug’s game!!

    with an attitude like that, you will die a very lonely person


    For chrissake, lighten up everyone :!: :!: You seem to be so fixated on your own personal ideologies that you missed the fact that that was a spoof post. It was all said very much ‘with tongue firmly in cheek’. I had originally intended to post it in the jokes board, but since it had a little ‘political flavour’ to it, I thought I’d try it out here first. I wasn’t really expecting anyone to swallow it hook line and sinker. Never mind, it did stimulate a bit of lively debate; things were starting to look a little moribund here. :?

    From your ever eternal optimist and patriot, and very happy chappy


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