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  • #1048360

    Poop….and there was me thinking I was being all cutting edge  :wacko:


    BTW…I just commented on another thread, (I didn’t understand it unfortunately) and it’s gawn!


    Poop….and there was me thinking I was being all cutting edge :wacko: BTW…I just commented on another thread, (I didn’t understand it unfortunately) and it’s gawn!

    It’s still around — it was just moved to a different category.

    If you lose tracks of threads you recently contributed to you can do a search for your own activity via the ‘Message Boards > View my activity > My replies’ in the main navigation menu.


    There is NOTHING that would ever make me vote for that blithering idiot Corbyn. Not even if I was paid, would I vote for him. A week after the Brighton hotel bombing, (when the IRA tried to murder Margaret Thatcher) he invited his pal Gerry Adams to Westminster! He isn’t fit to host a teddy bears picnic, let alone run the country.

    Ahhhh the memories of Mag the Hag, the woman who had many a miners blood on her hands.

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    The woman who got the working class man to buy there own home so making sure he can go out on strike.

    Pure Class.



    Am I the only here living in today’s problems, rather than yesterdays?

    I love historical argument, and have many opinions on the Miners Strike and the sale of council housing.

    But I think it’s best to keep our attention on today – social care,education, the NHS, the Brexit negotiations where so much can go wrong.


    Reasons not to vote Tory on 8th June


    1.  The Naylor Report late March this year – slipped under the radar.

    The head of NHS property services just happens to be the director of the 6th largest company in the US …..

    and the Tories gave him the job.

    The Tories sold off the buildings HMRC use and it now rents them back off company based offshore.

    We own nothing now:  Water / Electricity /Rail / Gas / Royal Mail / Telecoms

    – all owned by foreign governments, pension funds, hedge funds etc.

    The only thing we the people own is debt. Every time you pay your electric or water bill it’s like paying tax to a foreign govt.

    2. Benefit Cap, 2 child limit

    75% of those affected by the benefit cap & 2 child limit are single people with children.

    Before anybody gets on their high horse, consider this:

    A working family breaks up, one parent is left to bring up the children on what he/she can manage. Maybe when they had the children, they could afford to have more than 2, but are now being punished.

    Ultimately, who loses out in these cases? The children of course.

    3. If you want to get personal (as so many seem to have been doing about various MPs past and present), consider

    Boris Johnson (does anything need to be said – surely he matches Diane Abbott in the blithering idiot category?);

    Michael Gove (took education back 60 years, removing access to the curriculum for 40% of children by removing practical subjects from acceptable GCSEs, brought in a curriculum so far removed from modern life it should be in a museum);

    Jeremy Hunt (responsible for running the NHS into the ground so Tories can claim it isn’t working and needs replacing with private healthcare …. the list of nonsense he has spouted is too long to be recorded here,

    but also …. In April 2012,  Conservative MP and culture secretary Jeremy Hunt came under pressure to resign as a result of his closeness to Rupert Murdoch’s media empire and alleged corruption in dealing with Murdoch’s bid for News Corporation’s takeover of BSkyB);

    David Cameron (In September 2015, Lord Ashcroft published a biography of David Cameron, which suggested that the former Prime Minister took drugs regularly and performed an “outrageous initiation ceremony” which involved inserting “a private part of his anatomy” into the mouth of a dead pig during his time in university.);

    Steve Hilton – senior adviser to David Cameron and Tory strategy director – said the government should boost economic growth by “abolishing all working mothers’ maternity leave and rights”.

    Iain Duncan Smith – Tory Work and Pensions Secretary – quoted the Nazi slogan above the gates of Auschwitz Arbeit Mach Frei (work makes free) when he said about the government’s workfare programme that “work actually helps free people.”

    and on how ‘lazy’ disabled workers are: “Is it a kindness to stick people in some factory where they are not doing any work at all? Just making cups of coffee?”





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    amazing a person has dealings with a group like pie and people say oh it was 40 years ago! unreal she shouldn’t be allowed near kids simple as does anyone think ken livingstone is a massive anti semite?


    Hmm interesting reading ….. & it was that dickhead Blair & Alan Milburn that brought in NHS Foundation Trusts & that as I said at the time in 2002 was the beginning of the end of the NHS as it was intended to be !!!!


    :scratch: :scratch:   :scratch:




    The woman who got the working class man to buy there own home so making sure he can go out on strike. Pure Class. :yes:

    Hmm but what about all the houses repossessed in the aftermath of the recession.

    I have a lot of respect for Ma Thatcher purely based on the fact she had the “balls” to stand & be counted on various issues ie  the Falklands war.  Not sure she’d be too impressed with the politics of today though.





    The woman who got the working class man to buy there own home so making sure he can go out on strike. Pure Class. :yes:

    Hmm but what about all the houses repossessed in the aftermath of the recession. I have a lot of respect for Ma Thatcher purely based on the fact she had the “balls” to stand & be counted on various issues ie the Falklands war. Not sure she’d be too impressed with the politics of today though.

    The Falklands war?

    More ex squaddies and servicemen who fought in the Falklands later took their own lives, committed suicide, killed themselves, than died in combat during the actual war. They took ended their own lives because PTSD and other combat related mental disorder were NOT recognized by the Thatcher regime and the MOD, who pointblank refused to provide the necessary resources to the Mental Heath Service on cost grounds, despite overwhelming evidence from America regarding combat related stress and disorder.

    It is all well and good stating Thatcher had the “balls” to stand up to Galtieri’s mishmash conscript army of kids, but she Thatcher and the tory regime, did not have the “balls” to look after those who fought that war on her behalf, upon their return.

    That is not even getting into homelessness among ex squaddies and servicemen/women and prison numbers, which were and still are disproportionally high, specifically because of PTSD related issues.

    Suicide always rockets statistically under a tory regime, whether it be kids from sh*t council estates who fight their political wars, or among the general population.



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