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  • #1021532

    there seems to be a bit of dispute about the origins of a “fish wife” some say it derives from wives of  fishermen who whilst there husbands were away had ann summers parties and laughed and cackled

    others beleive it derives from billinsgate fish market,which after a long hard day gutting fish

    the lads would go  dahn the pubs and drink copious amounts of beer

    and not go  home for their tea,so the wives would go to the pub and throw their dinners at them


    hence the sayying shes a right fish wife her.


    Just asking, as some of these women posting are starting to come across as angry men :yes:

    Why as angry men? Couldn’t you have just said they come across as battles axes or fish wives?, instead of being insulting to men. :-)

    Wonder where battle axes originated from in reference to women lol

    Not sure. I can think of a couple of terms with “axe” in them that can be used in reference to women but I think they’re best left unsaid.  :whistle:


    Just asking, as some of these women posting are starting to come across as angry men :yes:

    You are of course completely sane Blossom. You constantly post about these low life’s you choose to chat with on a regular basis. You don’t have an ounce of paranoia according to you even though you never stop asking who is who!
    Your quite abusive at times and have allowed yourself to get sucked into an online distructive relationship that your more than happy to display in the chatroom for us all to witness.

    If by any chance there was an infinitesimal chance that you were ‘sane’ why would you keep coming back for more agro from the people you purport to be causing you so much annoyance ?

    Your one of those mystery chatters in as much as no one will ever understand why you choose to verbally self harm and blame others for your pain !

    Weird, very very weird !

    1 member liked this post.

    Good Evening to you, too, LD …shame you missed the thread that Martin has removed.

    It was about low lives posting stuff about masturbating dogs and the likes ..and me standing up to them.

    I’m rather sure you would have found something to say on that one too, about me always complaining, instead of addressing the problem.

    I’m a funny old person me, LD …. who who cannot abide disgusting people.

    Got to say you have your fair share on this site.

    Yours Truly



    Many others can’t abide disgusting people either Blossom which is why you are so detested I suspect


    and as for you calling people “ugly” blossom… jesus talk about pot and kettle  


    and as for you calling people “ugly” blossom… jesus talk about pot and kettle

    Very funny indeed….
    I may not be an oil painting ..but I can assure you that you’re much uglier than I am (going by your pic), plus I still have all my own teeth ( which you don’t seem to have)….and they happen to be WHITE (whereas yours are a dingy Yellow) !


    Many others can’t abide disgusting people either Blossom which is why you are so detested I suspect

    I’m detested because I speak my mind.



    Lucky its not me then eh


    As for ” speaking your mind” I wouldn’t throw stones in a glass house if I was you … I’ve seen younger looking fossils in the natural history museum than you Blossom so how you have the audacity to criticise someones ” picture” on here I’ve no idea.

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