Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat Hoots mon … there’s a moose, loose, aboot my hoose

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  • #332759

    @sword wrote:

    I can answer that one… never.

    When are you going to stop being a bike?
    When will your kids know who their dads are?
    When will you find out who their dads are?
    When will you stop sponging off the state?
    When will you stop blowing strangers and posting images?
    When will you stop being a thick lower working class slut?
    When will you show a picture of you now and stop using a 1980’s one?

    These and so many more… touche my dear fat bird.

    I get out of bed at half past ten
    Phone up a friend, whos a party animal
    Turn on the news and drink some tea
    Maybe if youre with me well do some shopping

    One day Ill read, or learn to drive a car
    If you pass the test, you can beat the rest
    But I dont like to compete, or talk street, street, street
    I can pick up the best from the party animal

    I could leave you, say goodbye
    Or I could love you, if I try
    And I could
    And left to my own devices, I probably would
    Left to my own devices, I probably would

    Pick up a brochure about the sun
    Learn to ignore what the photographer saw
    I was always told that you should join a club
    Stick with the gang, if you want to belong

    I was a lonely boy, no strength, no joy
    In a world of my own at the back of the garden
    I didnt want to compete, or play out on the street
    For in a secret life I was a round head general

    I could leave you, say goodbye
    Or I could love you, if I try
    And I could
    And left to my own devices, I probably would
    Left to my own devices, I probably would
    Oh, I would

    I was faced with a choice at a difficult age
    Would I write a book? or should I take to the stage?
    But in the back of my head I heard distant feet
    Che guevara and debussy to a disco beat

    Its not a crime when you look the way you do
    The way I like to picture you
    When I get home, its late at night
    I pour a drink and watch the fight

    Turn off the tv, look at a book
    Pick up the phone, fix some food
    Maybe Ill sit up all night and day
    Waiting for the minute I hear you say

    I could leave you, say goodbye
    Or I could love you, if I try
    And I could
    And left to my own devices, I probably would
    Come on, baby, say goodbye
    I could love you, if I try
    And I could
    And left to my own devices, I probably would
    Left to my own devices, I probably would

    Out of bed, at half past ten
    The party animal phones a friend
    Picks up news about the sun
    And the working day has just begun

    Sticks with the gang – at the back of the street
    Pass the test – and you dont compete

    Drive the car, if youre with me
    Che guevaras drinking tea
    He reads about a new device
    And takes to the stage in a secret life


    Left to my own devices, I probably would
    If I was left to my own devices, I possibly would


    If I was left to my own devices, I probably would
    Left to my own devices, I probably would

    I could leave you, say goodbye
    Or I could love you, if I try
    And I could
    And left to my own devices, I probably would
    Left to my own devices, I probably would
    Come on, baby
    Left to my own devices, I probably would

    :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


    Feel free to delete this shyte PB :lol:


    @*Sian wrote:

    Feel free to delete this shyte PB :lol:

    spoilsport. :lol: :lol: :lol: i wanna hear more about verrucas mad mother an deranged sister. [-(


    B O R I N G …….. bring back the Gwenny stories, now they made me laugh.


    @pats wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    Feel free to delete this shyte PB :lol:

    spoilsport. :lol: :lol: :lol: i wanna hear more about verrucas mad mother an deranged sister. [-(

    It only takes for you to looks at Verruca, all your questions will be answered :lol:


    Mice mature rapidly and by 1.5 to 2 months of age are old enough to reproduce. They carry their young for 19 to 21 days and have 5 or 6 young per litter and 5 to 8 litters per year. A female mouse can breed again 2 to 4 days after giving birth. House mice breed throughout the year and do not show any seasonal breeding peaks.

    Mice are born naked with their eyes and ears closed. They develop rapidly, and in 2 weeks they are covered with hair, their eyes and ears are open and they are no longer totally helpless. In another week they begin exploring the nest area and eating solid foods. At 5 to 8 weeks of age the mice are independent and ready to breed. House mice live 1 to 2 years.

    A female mouse could produce 40 young in one year; however, this rarely if ever happens. The actual number of births and young that survive to maturity depends on the availability and quality of food and the degree to which the mice are crowded.

    Have her sterilised


    are you the google king pete?


    btw pete ma kids think your a mermaid but give them a break they’re only 5


    except weekends when i become google queen (and bank holidays) :)


    @blackkettle wrote:

    btw pete ma kids think your a mermaid but give them a break they’re only 5

    just me dancing weekends :lol:
    ere hope ya told em otherwise :shock:

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