Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat Hoots mon … there’s a moose, loose, aboot my hoose

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  • #332739

    Suck this


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    Suck this

    Cut your toenails first, it’s only polite :roll:


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    Suck this

    i say bad manners. thought ye would never ask :)


    Right now I have had a tickle with Geoff I am off to my piss ridden bed, the aroma is enough to knock you out 8)


    me too hen..nanite.. and thanks bhoys for the laugh,expected or not.

    the “alchy” . !


    By the way, Geoff still hasn’t gone. Cooooeee Geoff, get a grow bag around ya muff, give me something worth taking my teeth out for!


    @sword wrote:

    I do love the self perception of a couple of lushes… please keep going.

    roughly translates as


    @pete wrote:

    @sword wrote:

    I do love the self perception of a couple of lushes… please keep going.

    roughly translates as

    Bless… Pete the perve back in action… cape on, girlies all protected.


    Keep scratching Geoffrey :wink:


    Ok Pete the perve… keep putting the underpants over the tights.

Viewing 10 posts - 131 through 140 (of 173 total)

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