Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat Hoots mon … there’s a moose, loose, aboot my hoose

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  • #332699

    @rubyred wrote:

    @sword wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    I await her answer,,,she does NOT come on here but she will be lurking,in between giving her mad mother and madder Sister their “meds” ..

    ooh i can hardly wait :)

    She doesn’t come on here yet she lurks, please drunkard, stop contradicting yourself, at least in the same sentence?

    oh mwahh HAHAHAHAAH its the same thing ,she dont post but lurks. and drunkard ??

    oh dear :) oh dearie,dearie me…

    Showing your self confessed intelligence?


    Ok, missed that part. Cheers. :wink:


    @rubyred wrote:

    @sword wrote:

    Self confessed intelligence doesn’t make you clever.

    as self advertised “cleverness” does NOT make you Intelligent !

    Some of us don’t confess to such things drunkard.


    really ? LOL…ok then .. so next time i see yet another quote from you exclaiming your “better” and everyone,i CAN remind you of this ?

    from one drunkard to another.. yer secrets safe !


    I think you’re mistaking me with one of your fellow witches and/or ‘online terrorists’.


    @sword wrote:

    Self confessed intelligence doesn’t make you clever.

    Don’t you ever get bored?
    How many 2 litre bottles of white lightening have you had this evening?
    Do you still wank on cam?
    Ever thought of having a penile extention?
    Why did your Dad leave your mum?
    How often do you see the psychiatrist?
    Ever thought of ending your life?
    Have you ever tried wanking into a sock?


    As much intelligence as rubyred.


    @sword wrote:

    I think you’re mistaking me with one of your fellow witches and/or ‘online terrorists’.

    ERM. NO. ! lucky is lovely and is too quiet,,the other witch and I talk about labias :)

    i aint seen an online “terrorist” in any of them !

    we labia,and fanniy fart folks to death :)

    were having a laugh..


    @sword wrote:

    As much intelligence as rubyred.

    au contraire cherie …


    Is that before or after you’ve had two bottles too much? No sorry silly question, you wake up comatosed… metaphorically speaking.

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