IF you’re planning to go to Europe for a holiday this year, you need to be sure that your entitlement to ‘free’ treatment via the NHS remains in place.
The ‘old’ system was that you got a form from your local post office called an E111 and presentation of this to a European hospital or doctor enabled you to receive basic medical treatment free of charge.
Some 5 years ago this Form E111 was replaced by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and which was issued free. HOWEVER, these cards only have a 5 year validity and REMINDERS ARE NOT SENT OUT when they expire.
This means that your card could be invalid this summer and consequently you will have no free medical cover in Europe, paid for by the NHS.
To renew your card free of charge visit: http://www.ehic-ie.org/apply.html or telephone 0845-606-2030
As a footnote, if you visit the Channel Islands (Jersey; Guernsey; Alderny; Sark; or Herm) the reciprocal arrangements for healthcare ended last month and you will have to pay in full for any medical treatment you may need.