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  • #4914

    Greetings from an eroticism fair! :lol: :twisted:

    was there last night with my friend… she asked me to come with her because she wanted to get her nipple pierced :D we had SO MUCH FUN :lol: spend all our money…watched the performances… I got hit on by a boy who’s from the same town as I am… :shock: we were like 30 miles away frome there and of all people that group of boys ran into me my friend :lol: :lol: :lol:

    so… have you ever been to an eroticim fair :?:


    and just as I thought that life can’t get any weirder from what it has been these last few weeks… I got asked on a date for the first time in my life! :lol: I decided to live a little and said yes 8)


    @Beatty Blue wrote:

    and just as I thought that life can’t get any weirder from what it has been these last few weeks… I got asked on a date for the first time in my life! :lol: I decided to live a little and said yes 8)

    awwwwwwwww thats great beatty xxx


    I got asked on a date by someone I met in ‘Erotic’ Soho. Be careful Beattie, she wanted two hundred quid off me for her taxi home! :wink:


    @Beatty Blue wrote:

    … have you ever been to an eroticim fair :?:

    No, but I’ve been to Amsterdam. 8)


    :lol: 8) have been to a circus of horrors which was pretty weird an mega cool but never been to an E fair

    chezz xx


    @Beatty Blue wrote:

    Greetings from an eroticism fair! :lol: :twisted:

    so… have you ever been to an eroticim fair :?:

    dont need too…. you should see my house most saturday nites lol!!!!!!!! :wink:



    lol gooner-ess :wink:
    and nope i havnt had the pleasure of an E-fair yet….


    @Beatty Blue wrote:

    I got asked on a date for the first time in my life!

    Just you wait to hear what he asks you for next…… :shock: :wink:

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