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  • #92250

    perhaps they are on a clean up campaign for a few seconds then back to normal pml

    U need vick rubbing on your chest pml


    nope – but could do with sum up my nose :shock:


    oH OK PML



    lol night rob xx hope ur tucked up n sleeping well :wink:


    Just got up and am hungry so its feeding time

    Catch ya later



    afternoon to ya rob,

    only just got up (yeah im lazy)

    hope you’re having a good day

    i personally can hardly fooking breathe im so bunged up :cry: :cry:


    After Noon Princess

    Wish i could brag about haveing stuffed some gal pml

    Hope cold gets better soon to much damp grass especially this time of year

    Wishful thinking hey pml

    Gonna do a spot more cleaning working tonight

    TC Hun Rob xxxx


    lol well i wish i could brag that i got stuffed by more than snot :shock: but we both know that aint gonna happen :lol: :lol: :lol:

    cleaning working??????


    Just off

    Bought a Mayong game today about 20 different screens only £3.99 in morrisons

    Maybe catch ya in the weee early hours

    TC Hun Rob

    PS ill be your phantom fook pml

    Sweet dreams lol

    Rob xx


    lol wtf is a mayong game???

    *jumps for joy cos she’s got a phantom fook* :lol:

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 167 total)

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