and no peggy i did not take her back after the 1st time ….we kept in touch with each other 4 the grandaughters sake .tho we used 2 visit each others homes ..not only did she send me 2 a nervous break down after 31 yrs of marraige…… but she as messed my grandaughter who is like a daughter 2 me …cause we have had her since she was born.. head up.. .she see.s a child phsycoligist regular now ..found out lately that tammy was encoureging tammy 2 smoke and buying her alcohol ..yet social services does nothing ….something wrong somewhere if you ask me ..also i hope gary 1970 her b/f has no kids as i pity him . she is liable 2 take them out and leave them wherever they go . also that tammy wanted her 2 sleep with a 19 yr old man i think she is in a ring myself ..but im the bad 1 as she makes out .. and sucks every 1 in with her lies ..never mind people will believe me 1 day and see her 4 wat she really is
i am 55 jen tammy is 51 married 31 yrs b4 splitting up not lived with each other since we split up altho we stayed at each other houses .up untill nearly 2 months ago ..i do not count the last 5 yrs as married .. altho she is still my wife by law we are not divorced