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  • #424905

    like this? lol


    ewww imagine kissing that :lol:


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    what were the kids names…cant be @rsed to scroll back :lol:

    Tim – Timmy, and Timothy.. :lol:


    @will wrote:

    and stop stiring kent please.

    :shock: scoose me you mentioned my name 8)


    Lolololol @ all this. To clarify for a few people. Tammy is an old reg from forum 2 in its hey day, called lucky lady, at the time she lived in walsal. Age would be around id say 45/50. Although she does look older i might add. Wizzy is her x partner. Tammy( or bodybags) left her partner once and her children to move up to scotland with some one she had meet in jc, the day she did it she abandond her child for her neighbor to pick up from school. She then abandoned her child for a second time to move to manchester ( she did tell every one newcastle) with another bloke from jc. She is one of those people who are full of the smelly cow stuff but cant help them selfs from spreading it. As for wizzy (trevor, ex partner) haveing a go at will, i do think that was out of order but then will does not know tammy and wizzy understandably is a bit of a mess due to actions by tammy, how ever it does not excuse paranoia. Basicaly tammy is a nasty piece of work who is self centred to the point of self serving interests only, and in my experiances of her thrives of s h it stirring and bull s h it. I have had my own experiances of her lies and surfice to say when i was kicking @ her door to speak with her, she wouldnt answer. How do i know all this? because wizzy is the brother of my partners dad. Dont be taken in by tammy, its a nasty piece of work who in my opinion is nothing less than some one who is a child abuser by abandonment.


    Well that clears that up …doesnt it? :?


    @wildwolf nw wrote:

    blah blah

    Cool story bro.


    wonders if the milkman and postman will be next to appear……..or possibly brenda!!!


    So where does ann marie fit in here ? or is ann marie brenda? lol


    omfg……..Whizzy is the brother of my partners dad………oh yes i see now……and to be honest wildwolf if you were kicking my door down i dont think id open it either………..unless i had a shot gun in hand!

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