Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › HE’S BACK. TRUMP IS BACK and the LEFT IS HAVING A HEART ATTACK
28 November, 2022 at 12:30 am #1146370
lol Linda typical republican response what about Biden son we are talking about trumps thieving top secret papers goodness knowns whose he Showen them to probably to his lover of north Korea and hes as barmy as trump himself.Oh Linda what about trump son who got 2 billion dollars from Saudis another dictator. What was the 2 billion dollars for? Why does trump associate and cosey up to dictators is he keen on being one him self? Then his taxes now see he gotta be made public why the hide n seek with his Tax Linda oh least hilarey showed up in court un like your looser linda who avoids like the plague to swear on the oath and same with pence he avoids court and swearing on oath about trump and his failed coupe I could go on linda but i need some lunch need to do some gardening. Cya Linda tc
28 November, 2022 at 10:09 pm #1146373I don’t think Trump will use twitter much, he invested a lot of money in Truth Social, and may have some kind of exclusivity contract with it.
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2 December, 2022 at 11:00 am #1146394No Comment, pilot!
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Diamond Destiny.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Diamond Destiny.
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3 December, 2022 at 7:14 am #1146400No Comment, pilot!
😂 😘
4 December, 2022 at 6:09 pm #1146409KIWI.
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4 December, 2022 at 6:52 pm #1146411At last somebody has seen through kiwis lunacy let’s go the whole hog now and when he tells us about the weather in nd or what he’s watching on Jones channel or he fell asleep on the rug let’s all collectively reply Mr grounding we don’t give a flying fck and we all block him. Please then I can will post more. Th in advance.
4 December, 2022 at 9:09 pm #1146413lol Linda thats sorry excuse for being republican that supports an insane wanna be dictator who steals top secret papers for his cronies dictator mates to see guess thats why his family paid 2 billion dollars for from another dictator this time Saudis. Its well knowen fact independents are Tories in disguise Perhaps linda you should have a word with your insane mate trump about Rantings after all he rants non STOP about so-called fraud election with no evidence that stood up in court ends up being laughhed out chucked out of Court.SO PLEASE LINDA DONT TALK TO ME ABOUT RANTINGS CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACK YARD FIRST.
4 December, 2022 at 9:16 pm #1146414As for you cosy if any one needs to be blocked is your sorry mouth what comes out of it just plan nasty and you bs deserves to be blocked as well. So please don’t lecture me cosy clean up what comes out of your bs mouth for starters.
4 December, 2022 at 10:23 pm #1146415Its not right that you can bore ppl constantly with she same old Shiite day after day week after week year after year with the same old garbage it shouldn’t be allowed it’s just that other chatters are too polite to tell you but I’m not can’t you see you are driving folk away Inc me if I log in chat and I see you I log out cos you annoy me and make me feel sick.
4 December, 2022 at 11:39 pm #1146416Will i could say in reply to that cosy its not right that you fill jc with your filthy bs day in day out.I bet it makes jcers want to log out pretty quickly being insulted with your bs mouth cosy.Cause believe me what comes out of it ant pleasant.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
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