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  • #456839

    Slavery is any system under which societal roles as ‘property’ are imposed on humans. It is usually regarded as a form of unfree labour. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. In some historical situations it has been legal for owners to kill slaves.

    No one is holding any of us against our will, we have the right to leave our jobs, our homes, our country, and go to another place of our choice at any time.

    We have the right to refuse to work.

    We have the right to demand compensation (payment) for our work, indeed we even have the right to demand payment for not working.

    It is illegal for anyone to kill us.

    We are not slaves by any stretch of the imagination. We are people who live by the rules of the society of our choosing, if we don’t like the society we are in we are free to move to another societal structure of our choosing. If you rise up and break down this society we live in today, another will rise up in its place. Will it be better? We have modern day examples in South Africa and Zimbabwe to name just two.

    Please drop all this crap about us being slaves, it is an insult to those who truly were slaves and still are today.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Slavery is any system under which societal roles as ‘property’ are imposed on humans. It is usually regarded as a form of unfree labour. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. In some historical situations it has been legal for owners to kill slaves.

    No one is holding any of us against our will, we have the right to leave our jobs, our homes, our country, and go to another place of our choice at any time.

    We have the right to refuse to work.

    We have the right to demand compensation (payment) for our work, indeed we even have the right to demand payment for not working.

    It is illegal for anyone to kill us.

    We are not slaves by any stretch of the imagination. We are people who live by the rules of the society of our choosing, if we don’t like the society we are in we are free to move to another societal structure of our choosing. If you rise up and break down this society we live in today, another will rise up in its place. Will it be better? We have modern day examples in South Africa and Zimbabwe to name just two.

    Please drop all this crap about us being slaves, it is an insult to those who truly were slaves and still are today.

    Slavery is very misunderstood , in roman times the emporers doctor was a slave but held a respectful and well provided for position in roman society


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Slavery is any system under which societal roles as ‘property’ are imposed on humans. It is usually regarded as a form of unfree labour. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. In some historical situations it has been legal for owners to kill slaves.

    No one is holding any of us against our will, we have the right to leave our jobs, our homes, our country, and go to another place of our choice at any time.

    We have the right to refuse to work.

    We have the right to demand compensation (payment) for our work, indeed we even have the right to demand payment for not working.

    It is illegal for anyone to kill us.

    We are not slaves by any stretch of the imagination. We are people who live by the rules of the society of our choosing, if we don’t like the society we are in we are free to move to another societal structure of our choosing. If you rise up and break down this society we live in today, another will rise up in its place. Will it be better? We have modern day examples in South Africa and Zimbabwe to name just two.

    Please drop all this crap about us being slaves, it is an insult to those who truly were slaves and still are today.

    Wake up for GOD sake woman.


    By our choosing

    ~ WHY CAN’T I CHOOSE TO WITHDRAW MYSELF FROM IT THEN ~ The choice you whine on about was made for you, accept it, you are enslaved!


    I am wide awake thank you, I have made my choices in life, they were made freely, and I am still free to change my mind. I’m not the one whining about it, I am happy with my choices for I have seen the alternatives and I didn’t care for them much. That’s not say there isn’t room for improvement, of course there is, but that gives me something to strive for.

    Rant away in your own deluded little world but if you can’t see that if you break down one societal structure it will be replaced with another, possibly worse than the one left in its wake, and if you can’t see the freedom that you do have, then you’ll stay in that deluded little bubble ranting away to yourself for the rest of your life.

    Go look up the history of slavery, the slavery that exist today despite it being illegal in most countries, the stories of people who have been captured (stolen) or sold into slavery and the lives they have led, indeed may still be leading, then tell us we’re slaves, that you’re a slave, that you don’t have any freedom. You have more than many in this so-called civilised world can even begin to dream about and you can’t even take a moment to appreciate it.


    You seem to be without something jen ~


    @gazlan wrote:

    You seem to be without something jen ~

    Yes Gaz, you’ll notice those shackles have been removed…how appropriate, I celebrate my freedom :wink:


    @jen_jen wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    You seem to be without something jen ~

    Yes Gaz, you’ll notice those shackles have been removed…how appropriate, I celebrate my freedom :wink:

    Yes removed, and replaced with a covert dominance. Yes you are free, free to carry on your complicity while “ they “ hoodwink you into believing the system is all about the people, for the people, a society for the good of all . . . . You say I am delusional, what a stupid and ignorant statement, you are obviously blind to what is going on all around you in this country, you are so indoctrinated with this conformist rubbish to the extent I can almost feel your pain.

    Look up slavery, for what ? A cockeyed version of what I already know. Now excuse me while I clean the windows of my bubble.


    @gazlan wrote:

    This is Democracy-at-its-finest~shove-it :roll:

    BUMP !


    @gazlan wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    This is Democracy-at-its-finest~shove-it :roll:

    BUMP !

    Gaz, I think it was Pikey who asked what would happen for instance if everyone was free to take land for themselves as you want to happen. He used the example of the lake district… how many people would flock there if the land were free. I think it would be survival of the fittest as to who would be able to stake a claim, and the result? The lakes would fall into the hands of these so called free people and the rest of us would not be able to enjoy them freely as we do now.

    Can you explain to me how this would be fair in your free world? I know you have told me before that I dont grasp the bigger picture and fail to understand… Please explain the specific example I have just outlined and how it would work in your new order. Ta!


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