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  • #4706




    Listen, sunshine…. you cant buy happiness ya gimp! Why don’t ya visit the doctor I’m sure he/she will prescibe you some prozac if ya ask nicely ffs





    You live in Sutton i know it very well and you need a bob or 2 to live there even if you live with your parents they must have money. I feel for you but fact is everyone has debt get yourself out of it. Easy money?? No such thing because if there was we would all be rich. I hope you sort your problems out but doit by yourself, more respect that way x


    @Magoo wrote:

    @naf536 wrote:

    I am a 25 year old with a dead end job and masses of debt (due to being given credit at the age of 18 when i had no value of money), i wish i was sometimes never even born and cannot even sleep at night worring about where the next payment will come from.

    I am trying to sort my life out and get debt free so that i can move out of my parents house and find my happiness.

    You irresponsible, sponging git. Sort your own life out, don’t expect everyone else to do it for you. Defies belief. :roll:

    pmsl geoff you say it like it is mate dont u sugar it up pmsl :wink: :wink:


    OK i looked on your link and decided to nose at what you have brought off ebay. You wasted a sh*t load of money on those BAD TASTE BEARS and items for your VW BEETLE
    boy racer? Broke? More like party hard pay later impress girls. My tip is STOP buying off ebay and then your debt has gone its as simple as that. And no charge for the advice it was a donation.



    @naf536 wrote:

    I fail to see how prozac will help me financially, i am not depressed as such just skint.

    Then get off ya @rse and get an effin job!! FFS. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


    @naf536 wrote:


    Can you help me out ?

    Here :

    Please help me out if you can.


    Are you taking the p i s s ?

    Get off your a r s e and get a job…..We all have money worries, but i dont broadcast mine on a forum, begging for money. You disgust me.


    lmfao @ this thread :lol: :lol: :lol:



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