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  • #534

    I am being sent emails from myself, from random people and I am sending emails to people around the world that I am not sending at all :shock: The emails have no subject and they containing nothing but mumbojumbo signs not letters and stuff :? I got an email this morning from a guy in Pakistan who thinks I can’t understand english, ‘cos my email address is sending him sh*t and it’s not me and he told me to f*ck off :lol: haha so anybody got any ideas wtf that is all about?

    It has been happening for a year or so now :lol: I just send the email to my junk folder, empty it and report it as junk :shock: :? :lol:

    So can anyone help me please? :wink:


    Get f*cked Owen :roll:


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    [-X [-X [-X You`ll get a slapping if you don`t behave Owen!! :twisted: :wink:


    Twinnie BB always watching my back 8) :D :wink:


    Volksie your email addy has most probably been spoofed. I would’nt worry about it as there are many ways to spoof mail (if your Email account has been hacked/cracked, forget changing the password because it wont work, they save the ‘remeber me’ cookie which enables them to still be able to log into your account even if you change passwords). If you get these annoying E-Mail’s via Outlook right click on it and select ‘properties’ the IP of the sender will be shown under the properties tab (this dont work if you received the mail via Hotmail/MSN).

    Check these links out for info on how to ‘spoof’ mail, it very, very easy to do.

    Oh and dont worry about Owen Volksie, some poor village is missing it’s idiot! :lol: :wink:


    @superanubistype wrote:

    Oh and dont worry about Owen Volksie, some poor village is missing it’s idiot! :lol: :wink:

    Episode 6 – Duel and Duality

    Black Adder III, Episode 6

    Duel and Duality

    B: Baldrick
    E: Edmund Blackadder
    PR: Prince Regent George
    MM: Mrs. Miggins
    W: The Duke of Wellington
    MA: McAdder
    S: King’s Servant
    K: King George III

    The Palace Kitchens

    B: Ooh! Mr. Blackadder.

    E: Leave me alone Baldrick. If I’d wanted to talk to a vegetable I’d
    have bought one at the market.

    B: Well don’t you want this message?

    E: No thank you… God, I’m wasted here. It’s no life for a man of
    noble blood being servant to a master with the intellect of a jugged
    walrus and all the social graces of a potty.

    B: I’m wasted too. I’ve been thinking of bettering myself.

    E: Oh, really? How?

    B: I applied for the job of village idiot of Kensington.

    E: Oh. Get anywhere?

    B: I got down to the last two, but I failed the final interview.

    E: Oh, what went wrong?

    B: I turned up. The other bloke was such an idiot he forgot to.


    @superanubistype wrote:

    Volksie your email addy has most probably been spoofed. I would’nt worry about it as there are many ways to spoof mail (if your Email account has been hacked/cracked, forget changing the password because it wont work, they save the autologin cookie which enables them to still be able to log into your account even if you change passwords). If you get these annoying E-Mail’s via Outlook right click on it and select ‘properties’ the IP of the sender will be shown under the properties tab (this dont work if you received the mail via Hotmail/MSN).

    Check these links out for info on how to ‘spoof’ mail, it very, very easy to do.

    Oh and dont worry about Owen Volksie, some poor village is missing it’s idiot! :lol: :wink:

    Thanks Super :D :wink:


    @volksie wrote:

    Get f*cked Owen :roll:

    Rearrange these words into a coherent sentence:
    sense have of you humour do a ? :roll:

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