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  • #286621

    i have been watching it, its not gays he does’nt like… its people acting gay… which is tottaly different, I myself can’t stand blokes who prance about, but does’nt mean i have anything against homosexialty.. just people like brain who use the whole gay thing as some sort of attention seeking thing


    What about him not liking girls either? He is just so old school and not willing to change (imo). Why was he asked to leave, and who by? Im a bit shocked at that cos I dont think he was racist or homophobic in any of his comments, just plain rude!


    he was’nt rude, he was backed in a corner tonight, he says what is on his mind, whats wrong with that? if everyone said the truth rather then being two faced.. i reckon the world would be a better place

    he was proably asked to leave cause everyone else felt sorry for brianetta


    I agree, but Paul and Barry 4 ft have been in the err “diary room” and complained about his attitude but only tonight did Paul try to speak! They are all scared of him, otherwise they would have said “hang on Jim, your being a bit naughty there mate”. I would have anyway.

    It just shows why he is a self confessed loner in real life. With a zillion ex-wives. Who could put up with that?

    I would say mellow out a bit, accept a bit of change, or add a bit of humour to the “jokes” he was making and Brian and him would have been fine.

    He judged Brian from the minute he met him.

    What do you mean backed into a corner> By a gay gay and two girls (one of whom was in tears) and a man that dont speak??!!!! :lol:


    everyone was having a go at him, and everything he said was taken the wrong way… though when he said.. so you had many people in your passage :) thought that was funny

    jim is a lonely old man, but you gotta love Big Break


    Its only a game!!! lol…. lurved big break and had actually forgotten bout that… and the big guys waistcoats…. 8)


    I must say on the Jim and Brian thing…. that was horrible to watch…. Jim has on numerous times made Brian feel isolated and just doesnt think before he speaks… Jim did say ‘ are all you shirt lifters all the same’ ….

    Jim at the end of the day is so set in his ways in why should he bow down to a pc correctness, wither he is right or wrong… but I think the people who did the chosing of putting Jim and Brian on the same show knew Jim would upset Brian…. so I think anyone to blame for this situtation is the Tv producers…. as they have set that situtation up….

    I feel for Brian, but also feel for Jim as he like Jade before have been set up by the Tv Producers to allow those sort of situtations to happen….


    @sharongooner wrote:

    What about him not liking girls either? He is just so old school and not willing to change (imo). Why was he asked to leave, and who by? Im a bit shocked at that cos I dont think he was racist or homophobic in any of his comments, just plain rude!

    totally agree pet i dont think jims racist at all ive seen him live several times hes a great entertainer. but i think hes scared of brian he doesnt know what makes him tick, hes talking to a man and being answered by a 12 year old girl [in his mind i recon] and jims just not wired up for this type of person. jim is also totally mysogenistic, and who can blame him ? hes been married more times than most asylum brides and hes bin ripped off every time by his wives. [well he will go for barbie type golddiggas] I actually felt sorry for him after the outburst last nite he was totally out of his depth and im glad he was asked to leave having opinions like his is fine at home but have the sense to keep yer trap shut while on tv ffs… lookin forward to tonights episode tho.


    oooo cant wait to watch tonight!!!

    It will be boring without him though. :lol: We wont have anything worth chatting about anymore!


    Well I’ve watched the much hyped confrontation between Jim and the lovely Brian …. and I have to say that I think Jim was victimised by a ‘professional’ queer.

    In between bouts of girly tears and hysterical sobbing to the camera, and throwing unprovoked drama queen style hissy fits – all Brian could do was constantly whinge on about himself.

    He was totally absorbed with HIS feelings and HIS overflowing emotions to the exclusion of anybody elses. All that mattered to Brian was that he felt ‘insulted’ by Jim and so he went on and on and on and on – like he had a Duracell battery stuck up his arse instead of his boyfriend’s cock.

    When the two slappers, in a show of let’s all be girls together, rushed over to ‘comfort’ Brian as he sobbed, the writing was on the wall for Jim.

    As it happens, I know Jim personally and he isn’t even slightly the way that he was portrayed in Hell’s Kitchen. He was well and truly stitched up by a poof and two slappers.

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