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15 July, 2007 at 7:53 pm #7448
Hi, this is my first time signing up too the boards, so be patient with my attempts to work them.
I’ve been using JustChat, on and off, for various reasons, for the past 4 or so years, meeting some great people, so a big thumbs up to JustChat for the people they attract :D
I’ve signed up here, (I don’t normally, sign up, as I hate writing to nothing ‘like an email’)
To clear the air from my name.My username is not registered, I haven’t paid, so it isn’t techincally mine. Alot of stupidity I am realising, is being used under my name.
I find this out, by just simply logging in, and people saying ‘wb’ (welcome back). And also, with most people in a rage.
Now I do not log in very often, and I also, a 2 months ago, was away for some time, and therefore not able to use the Chat forum software. I logged back in, and low and behold, I was being ‘baited’ by a few members, for an arguement I had caused earlier.
This doesn’t bother me in the slightest, I’m not actually bothered about what goes on
I am a serious, and genuine poster, (otherwise I wouldn’t be typing to the things I hate, Nobody!)
So, it’s just a case, of … Go easy on me! 8)
15 July, 2007 at 7:55 pm #277796Welcome to the nuthouse snoopie :lol: :lol: im the resident lady :roll: :roll: ………in fact the only lady :shock: :shock:
15 July, 2007 at 7:56 pm #277797Blimey, that was a quick reply. I’ve just finished typing! LOL.
Thanks for the welcome.
15 July, 2007 at 7:57 pm #277798Hi, Snoopie. Welcome to the boards!
If you know any fat women, please let me know via PM, my friend Adeboje Mwambi wants fat women to take back to Nigeria with him, I’m currently collecting a large cargo for his cousin.
15 July, 2007 at 8:02 pm #277799I wouldn’t mind being shipped, along with the ‘Fatties’ to Nigeria, for a holiday if anything.
15 July, 2007 at 8:04 pm #277800Adeboje, if Snoopie dresses up as a fat woman, would you take him to Nigeria?
15 July, 2007 at 10:41 pm #277801Mr Tommy, this makes much sadness for me to say this thing to you. But here in Nigeria we are stopped from putting the meat in the manhole.
In this same way we are not to fill a man’s animals either because this might spoil his meal later when he is to feed himsefl and his wifes on it.
So you good friend Mr Snoopy cannot be incorporated within the excellent shipment of British beef that you are allowing me to have from you. He may be a fat one (and you know how much we love the fat ones here) but even we in a poor country must obey the traffic law and not go the wrong way up a one way street.
I do most sincerely hope that this will not stop the fat women like this Cath and the Sunny from coming.
15 July, 2007 at 10:44 pm #277802I understand. Rules are rules. Do not worry, I am still giving you Sunny, Cath, Bat and hell, I’ll even chuck in Stevenage F for free. The fattest of them all here.
Some Nigerian meat in her might cheer her up!
15 July, 2007 at 10:56 pm #277803You speak the truth Mr Tommy like this. I do not know this Stevenage f – is she really a woman? Perhaps the ”f” refers to fat so how does she not call herself Stevenage fat?
The mad Batwoman and her spare parts is most unusual and she can make us go in our lorry very well. The Sunny and the Cath woman are both exceedingly fat and will be made very welcome indeed for this.
My business accomplice will be depart soon for your shores and will bring you the chicken as I promise to you.
15 July, 2007 at 10:56 pm #277804@seven wrote:
Welcome to the nuthouse snoopie :lol: :lol: im the resident lady :roll: :roll: ………in fact the only lady :shock: :shock:
lol swallow that make me a lady never spit I do…. lol
welcome to the ‘ WAILIN WALLS’ snoopie… MJ..
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