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  • #1099439

    what happened to the lovely Morgan from Wales lololol

    The lovely Morgan from Wales is being trolled by an obsessed weirdo.

    We are both friends of Mizzy, let’s help get this nutcase off her back who is threatening to slice her children’s throats rather than taking offence at what I write and trolling me over it x


    I’m not female… these guys are thick here…..LMAO


    after I snort this

    I’ve never snorted anything in my life. I think I have made my views on drink and drugs quite clear on these threads.

    However, I have seen you mention you needed to snort a big fat line of speed to get you through a difficult and tiring shift at work,


    Something about needing opiates to sleep one night.

    Rather you than me x


    :yahoo: :yahoo:

    However, I have seen you mention you needed to snort a big fat line of speed to get you through a difficult and tiring shift at work,


    Something about needing opiates to sleep one night.”  


    Wow, you waited 17 1/2 hours to come up with that crock of shit lol, hmmm I think I upset you a tad.

    Pray tell where you saw me say this ? lol Totally laughable and making yourself look very silly at the same time, in fact don’t bother answering as it’ll just be another load of pathetic lies, trying to make me look unsavoury  ,as if anyone could be as unstable and unsavoury as you lol, the people that count will be laughing at your childish lies and the people that don’t count don’t matter !

    Oh and btw, I don’t work shifts.

    You crack on :bye:


    1 member liked this post.

    Wow, you waited 17 1/2 hours

    Whats the rush? are you timing me? is responding to mooosey top of my priority list?

    I think I upset you a tad.

    You think wrong. I think that’s your wishful thinking. You wish to upset me.

    Pray tell where you saw me say this ?

    Its all in the JC history. Are you denying it now?

    I’m in no rush to present and document any of my claims about you, as you are about yours about me. You’ve made a lot more claims about me than I have. Where’s your evidence? Why are you making demands on me that don’t apply to you?

    May I quote you here from a 2 minute search in the history, a selection of hypocritical recent gems;

    “Is it just me or is anyone else totally confused by this ? accusations and believing people are responsible for stuff is one thing , proving it is a different ball game”

    “I don’t see any proof of anything….. “

    “I’m not dim enough to give my details out to people I don’t know online…”

    “Please stop hi-jacking threads over and over and using said threads for personal shyte you have going on between you . that’s how it looks to a reader, just saying  “

    “May I suggest that any future threads accusing people , any people of ‘Trolling’ or any devious deeds by ANY of the regulars who do this, are ignored. It does fuel the fire and the attention….. just a thought B-)”


    I have no intention or desire to try to discredit you, yet you seem very much on the offensive against me.

    Oh and btw, I don’t work shifts.

    I don’t know or care what you do, who or what you are, but this needs explaining if you don’t work shifts. I entered the word “shift” into the search history, and in under a minute, I found this.

    Enjoy your shift.

    And yes I’m on nights :negative: hate them. Not the work but screws my clock up for a week at least :-(

    funny the way you feel more tired ( tired anyway, home at 11:30 ) after full on shift, but you see the clock and think OMG !!! coz the hours gone on … anyway night all xx
    Last ‘Night Shift tonight you’ll al be pleased to know lolol xxx

    I don’t work shifts either x


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by  Morgan..

    I feel honoured you did a search on me ……  bless you

    I have no intention or desire to try to discredit you, yet you seem very much on the offensive against me.” Really ?

    However, I have seen you mention you needed to snort a big fat line of speed to get you through a difficult and tiring shift at work,


    Something about needing opiates to sleep one night.”  

    Erm on your quotes that you SEARCHED for, even though you aren’t at all upset, I don’t see me talking to you directly or even mentioning your name ? I stand by everything I said , sorry I just don’t see your point at all ?  Why are you so upset….  Yes I did work shifts, but not for a while now thankfully :unsure:

    I would have thought someone with their finger on the pulse, so to speak, would have known this ? lol :unsure:

    I’m in no rush to present and document any of my claims about you, ”

    Lol  of course your not ….   Hey, I know… why not just type Mooosey snorts speed into the search history Mr Genius  !! You took the trouble to quote me several times anyway  …..  Alfie you can only fight people you know nothing about by lying, which is what you tried to do. Tut tut… I wouldn’t worry about it though, I’m enjoying watching you run around fire fighting ….  Don’t intend to respond anymore on this thread … I’m pretty sure people are bored of it all. You may fill ya boots though without fear of actual facts being presented :-)

    Goodnight :good:   :bye:


    ” I have no intention or desire to try to discredit you, yet you seem very much on the offensive against me.” Really ?

    Yes really.

    yet you seem very much on the offensive against me.

    shall I sit back and watch your childish lies and drivel based on hearsay go unchallenged?

    why not just type Mooosey snorts speed into the search history

    Why not type someone you believe to be me snorts drugs. Why no evidence or proof for such a weighty claim?

    You are challenging me now on my “lies” about you. Why not let it go unchallenged?

    Why do you make expectations and demands on me that you can’t and don’t fulfill?

    We can all type out unsubstantiated claims. You’ve reached your limit now. Time for some evidence and proof please if you wish to continue with them.

    “I don’t see any proof of anything….. “

    “accusations and believing people are responsible for stuff is one thing , proving it is a different ball game”


    Very hypocritical x



    I am curious Alfie, you openly admit to being a habitual marijuana smoker and have openly discussed it before on these boards. Why do you deny taking drugs?


    Care to explain.




    There you sit, snorted up

    just after I snort this ,,,,

    Any evidence or proof? You’re not one for unsubstantiated chatroom hearsay chinese whispers bollox claims are you?

    Do you like to chat about snorting? Have you ever snorted anything?

    and Something about needing opiates to sleep one night.

    pathetic lies,

    I’m about to drift off into an opiate based sleep, ( thank fuk as I got none last night)

    that does sound tempting :) only….

    Why would you need opiates to sleep if you didn’t sleep the night before? Surely you’d be naturally tired and ready for bed without the assistance of an opiate ffs. A cup of tea, or a fag, read a book, have a wank, go for a run, even have a whiskey or a spliff, but an opiate? Jeeeez. No wonder you were keen to lecture us on Sister Heroin on another thread.

    I don’t work shifts.

    Yes I did work shifts

    I have seen you mention you needed to snort a big fat line of speed to get you through a difficult and tiring shift at work,

    When you did work shifts.

    I’m about to drift off into an opiate based sleep, ( thank fuk as I got none last night)

    Maybe you are deluded with your sleep deprivation, alternately the narcotically induced  stupefications.


    Sleep well Gorgeous, and Sweet Dreams  x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by  Morgan..

    Ge, you may address me under my user name as I do you.

    If you can not show the common decency to do that, even after request, I have nothing to chat to you about.

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