my paternal grand-mother was a simple Mexican washerwoman, gainfully employed in Queen Victoria’s service in a role befitting her talents; which were washing and generally being simple. She met a drunken seaman who floated her boat, and who then inspired her to emigrate to Lower Dorking, where they opened the very first Fray Bentos franchise in known existence. They produced my father who spent most of his life denying all knowledge of his upbringing which makes these questions so godamn hard to answer. For a while he insisted he was Princess Anastasia. I googled him once and it made him smile.
I have no knowledge of my mother, apart from the fact that she once hid in a loaf of bread for six months, and then returned to the debtors prison on the wild Orkney coast, where she mumbled about caterpillars and the refusal of her warders to hop in Japanese.