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13 March, 2010 at 2:40 pm #435440
i thought a certain thread someone made a bit back about ways of banning a certain persons post from ur viewing a little silly at the time , not anymore , gazlan keep ur petty issues to the correct places and have a bit of respect for the little girls
13 March, 2010 at 2:45 pm #435441To be fair tictax, he’s not the only person being petty is he, if thats what you want to call it, he did after all, say that they weren’t the only children in the world suffering, so i’d have to suggest that if your going to call him out for being petty, then you should also call out the other person who’s being petty.
*waits for the usual comments about sticking up for gaz* :roll:
13 March, 2010 at 2:50 pm #435442Being fair he was being a prat
“Being a prat is someone who tries to defend the abuse and suppression of a people who have no weapons to fight a fair fight”
wtf had that to do with this thread and how does pointing out others are suffering lessen the heartbreak of these children
13 March, 2010 at 2:57 pm #435443@pete wrote:
Being fair he was being a prat
“Being a prat is someone who tries to defend the abuse and suppression of a people who have no weapons to fight a fair fight”
wtf had that to do with this thread and how does pointing out others are suffering lessen the heartbreak of these children
You could day it doesnt have anything to do with it. I didnt see anywhere where it said it did lessen the heartbreak of these children, will it lessen the heartbreak of the parents who’s children may die in whatever way that enables the two of them to live, no, of course it wont, but its an opinion all the same!!!13 March, 2010 at 3:16 pm #435444It was someone trying to be awkward and sarcastic and succeeding very well and the only person who doesnt see that i’d say was you (or did you) Oh and the suppression of a people comment was that an opinion too ?
13 March, 2010 at 3:31 pm #435445@pete wrote:
It was someone trying to be awkward and sarcastic and succeeding very well and the only person who doesnt see that i’d say was you (or did you) Oh and the suppression of a people comment was that an opinion too ?
The oppresion or suppression thing is probably best suited to other posts instead of this one, iv’e no idea, maybe trying to use as an example, I dunno! i’m not in his head!
As for it being awkward and sarcastic and i’m possibly the only person who doesnt see that! please dont tell me what I do and dont see Pete, maybe i’m stupid but I didn’t see anything sarcastic in someone pointing out that other children in the world are also suffering, the list could be endless. The child who was starved to death by her parents, children who die every day at the hands of their parents. There are many injustices in this world, are we being awkward and sarcastic in pointing them out?!
13 March, 2010 at 3:38 pm #435446But you’re not in his head so how do you know he wasn’t.. he wasnt pointing anything out about other children or he’d have been specific his intention was to try and say why is this a heartbreak and his vieled reference was to palestinian children suffering… as seen on another thread. The Jewish children dont matter btw not in his head it’s justified
13 March, 2010 at 3:38 pm #435447At the end of the day, it’s going to take something of a minor miracle for either of these girls to survive, their parents are aware of that and I for one, as iv’e said before, am glad that i’m not in their shoes, it must be awful.
However!,,,,,twice now, iv’e said that at least one, if not two, other children will die in order for these two to survive, won’t that be equally as heartbreaking for the families involved, cos iv’e noticed pete that youve said nothing about that, but then maybe you just think im being sarcastic and awkward
13 March, 2010 at 3:40 pm #435448@pete wrote:
But you’re not in his head so how do you know he wasn’t.. he wasnt pointing anything out about other children or he’d have been specific his intention was to try and say why is this a heartbreak and his vieled reference was to palestinian children suffering… as seen on another thread. The Jewish children dont matter btw not in his head it’s justified
It could be said, neither are you, so how do you know he was :roll:
13 March, 2010 at 3:42 pm #435449No i dont i agree with you. I did read somewhere that only one would need a transplant but the majority of reports seem to say both. I know it’s apprently never been done successfully before and I cant really see it happening this time
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