Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Health tourists ….

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  • #1021340

    Go bait someone else, it’s not happening with me, sorry .


    Where to begin with the NHS… From blatant health tourism, to the rip off pharmaceutical sector, charging an arm and leg for outdated drugs. Bloated middle management and p*ss heads who clog up A+E all weekend. PFI and the elderly stuck in hospital, bed blocked, because of inadequate resources in their local communities.

    What makes me seethe most of all though, is that all main political parties use it as a political football and as a direct consequence, it never gets fixed.

    Personally I think health tourism, although I fundamentally object to it, is a bit of a red herring right now, the tories want privatization and a private insurance based NHS and labour don’t and there lies the problem.


    If you’re suffering from something very serious, they have to treat you.

    That’s true in most places, perhaps everywhere, though I wouldn’t fancy the chances of good treatment in a hospital in Aleppo.

    It’s because medicine is supposed to be about compassion, not charity.

    Something called the Hippocratic Oath?

    From what I gather, health care will make hardly a dent in the NHS budget deficit. The bureaucracy needed to administer it might cost more than the treatment?

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    If you’re suffering from something very serious, they have to treat you. That’s true in most places, perhaps everywhere, though I wouldn’t fancy the chances of good treatment in a hospital in Aleppo. It’s because medicine is supposed to be about compassion, not charity. Something called the Hippocratic Oath? From what I gather, health care will make hardly a dent in the NHS budget deficit. The bureaucracy needed to administer it might cost more than the treatment?

    Which is blatantly not accurate, in reality, in the real world. Even in Europe, the EU and particularly in America. Most emergency health services across the globe will stabilize a condition, but will not provide any other treatment unless it is paid for. Cue air ambulances and fund raising online. It is liberal bull that NHS doctors are obligated by the “Hippocratic oath”, if they were, they would not toddle off to the private sector and charge for it. In my humble opinion.






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    Build a wall around A&E and make Jeremy Hunt pay for it!


    Part 2.

    The BMA objected to a national health service and after near on 80 years of BMA propaganda, doctors are perceived as moral immortals and untouchable by the norms and standards, that are applied to everyone else in this dog eat dog world of competition. How many working class kids become doctors and… due to the expense involved? Basic economics.  Demand outstrips supply. The liberal educated class… they have contaminated every aspect of our society, including medicine. Why should I subsidize an NHS doctors career, for them to practice in the private sector before they have repaid their dues to the NHS. Socialized capitalism. We take the risk, they reap the reward. The liberal middle class… They take take take.








    An E111 card covers the EU (28 countries) and also Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Iceland have a similar Insurance as far as I know. So you’re saying that people visiting from the remaining countries (many of which are poor), should not be hospitalised for free, if sick. I presume you’re referring to this category, right? We’re all humans. I’m shocked you added such a thread tbh, with you apparently being a nurse. Sems you didnt learn much from Florence Nightingale.

    Bloss this response is typical of the snidey misinformed comments I’d expect by you.

    As for your comment about visitors from outside the countries covered  by the E111  now the EHIC card being poor is total contradiction of your point. If they can afford a holiday to the UK then they can & should have the travel insurance that we are expected to have when we travel to foreign countries !!

    I am a nurse & bloody proud of that fact. I look after whoever comes along needing treatment in my area. Dealing with anything from  a cut finger needing stitching to a patient with HIV needing a major laparotomy so dont YOU dare knock my profession. Just like Florence nightingale did ….. incidently who do you think pays for all the wonderful innoative advances in medicine ? The people that pay their National Insurance contributions & donation from local fundraising … that’s who!!!

    The UK Government has cut the health budget so much. The worse thing that ever happen to the NHS was the creation of Foundation Trusts. I won’t bore you with the details of what that actually means on a day to day basis within the NHS. Feel free to ask though.

    Take your gripe up with them NOT the people on the front line that regularly go without their meagre meal breaks to care for other peoples relatives , that are regularly late off a 12 hour shift because of staff shortage. We dont walk away saying tough not my shift!

    When Florence was around the best she could offer was TLC & very basic dressings etc.

    Ironic you have so much to say alledgedly living in Italy these days.

    So instead of being a snidey mare why dont stop & look at the bigger picture.

    You turned your back on the UK for a life in Italy …. need I say more . :good:


    An E111 card covers the EU (28 countries) and also Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Iceland have a similar Insurance as far as I know. So you’re saying that people visiting from the remaining countries (many of which are poor), should not be hospitalised for free, if sick. I presume you’re referring to this category, right? We’re all humans. I’m shocked you added such a thread tbh, with you apparently being a nurse. Sems you didnt learn much from Florence Nightingale.

    Bloss this response is typical of the snidey misinformed comments I’d expect by you. As for your comment about visitors from outside the countries covered by the E111 now the EHIC card being poor is total contradiction of your point. If they can afford a holiday to the UK then they can & should have the travel insurance that we are expected to have when we travel to foreign countries !! I am a nurse & bloody proud of that fact. I look after whoever comes along needing treatment in my area. Dealing with anything from a cut finger needing stitching to a patient with HIV needing a major laparotomy so dont YOU dare knock my profession. Just like Florence nightingale did ….. incidently who do you think pays for all the wonderful innoative advances in medicine ? The people that pay their National Insurance contributions & donation from local fundraising … that’s who!!! The UK Government has cut the health budget so much. The worse thing that ever happen to the NHS was the creation of Foundation Trusts. I won’t bore you with the details of what that actually means on a day to day basis within the NHS. Feel free to ask though. Take your gripe up with them NOT the people on the front line that regularly go without their meagre meal breaks to care for other peoples relatives , that are regularly late off a 12 hour shift because of staff shortage. We dont walk away saying tough not my shift! When Florence was around the best she could offer was TLC & very basic dressings etc. Ironic you have so much to say alledgedly living in Italy these days. So instead of being a snidey mare why dont stop & look at the bigger picture. You turned your back on the UK for a life in Italy …. need I say more . :good:

    Lol@ you telling me what  Florecnce Nightingale could do  – it was  mid 19th century fgs ! lol

    And anyway, you’re the one who posted the thread complaining….a nurse…not good :negative:

    True, I don’t live there, but I do read online about what’s going on there and I presume that the ppl who are referred to as ‘health tourists’, are people visiting relatives they have in UK, coming from poorer countries, am I right or am I right?


    What I’m saying Arc, is that if they had better healthcare in their own country (and could afford it), they wouldnt be coming to the Uk for it, that’s for sure.

    We have the same going on here btw, you’re not alone….and I’m not complaining,  as either you or I could have been born in that same situation.

    Think about it.


    The UK Government has cut the health budget so much. The worse thing that ever happen to the NHS was the creation of Foundation Trusts. I won’t bore you with the details of what that actually means on a day to day basis within the NHS. Feel free to ask though.

    I don’t think this is what cuts look like, funding has’t been lowered:

    Can you explain your position to me?

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