Boards Index › Fun and humour › Polls › Has PB gone soft?
18 October, 2008 at 12:19 am #383311
Isn’t this the time to grasp the opportunity of glasnost or are we going to continue whinging?
18 October, 2008 at 12:35 am #383312bloody good idea !!! ^^ i feel a revolution arising in me groin !
18 October, 2008 at 12:38 am #383313/grasps the thistle. between both hands and PULLS..
ooh carte blanche. ;)
18 October, 2008 at 1:25 am #383314He has been abducted and probed…that’s just how it is!
18 October, 2008 at 10:32 am #383315@forumhostpb wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
ah ha! So..the question is, whos been squealing to PB in pm? Bloody spoil sports. Its only a bit of harmless banter. Take that away and the place becomes a morgue.
…the thing is, something doesnt add up…how come sword is being so nice lately as well?? :-k
It’s not just PM’s that have been sent. You only have to read the boards over time to pick up on the many coments made by users in general, when a thread is ”ruined” by a fight that is carried on by others and which is invariably totally off topic.
People are just getting fed up with it Pebbles and this is a direct response to the wishes of what I suspect are the majority of members. Harmless banter is fine just as long as it remains harmless. When it gets spiteful or vindictive then it will be stopped … just like that.
So the cuddles and hugs mwaaaah mwaaah brigade have moved onto the boards and are going to impress us all with their talk of “daily life”. :roll: “What did you have for dinner” type threads have already started appearing. Luckys wedding plans have moved from being the most boring topic on the planet too the only thing worth commenting on. And even John feels its time we had a mummys thread till the mummys revolted and told him that EVERY thread was a mummys thread and he had to walk off licking his wounds.
Platecrashes used to delete any form of confrontation and tried to make the site a nicey nicey place. It turned into an empty empty place in the end.
And PB…. would these people who sit and complain about the fights be the very same lurkers from the forum 3 who rush here in their droves at the first sign of a bit of juicy gossip. All posting their dissapproval at how these fights are allowed to materialize but at the same time licking their lips and sharpening their nails at the thought of another catscrap. The likes of Shindig and Dagger will be lost now without the bron of information to syphon their gossip from.
18 October, 2008 at 10:49 am #383316Thats twice now this evening that comments of mine have been deleted…yours as well sian (well yours was more of a smirk )
Someone’s deleted a post I made about my dog in a thread about pets, that’s evil! My poor dog, rejected by JC
18 October, 2008 at 11:02 am #383317@johnboy25 wrote:
Thats twice now this evening that comments of mine have been deleted…yours as well sian (well yours was more of a smirk )
Someone’s deleted a post I made about my dog in a thread about pets, that’s evil! My poor dog, rejected by JC
That kinda depends on what the dog’s name was eh?
18 October, 2008 at 11:08 am #383318@forumhostpb wrote:
@johnboy25 wrote:
Thats twice now this evening that comments of mine have been deleted…yours as well sian (well yours was more of a smirk )
Someone’s deleted a post I made about my dog in a thread about pets, that’s evil! My poor dog, rejected by JC
That kinda depends on what the dog’s name was eh?
Never mentioned her name
18 October, 2008 at 11:15 am #383319Lol I wondered where your post went about Geoff and PB getting on Pebs :lol:
Is ok hen, I saw it :wink:18 October, 2008 at 11:30 am #383320In response to Fastcars’ several well made points:
The general feeling expresed over the last several months is that the message boards had become (perhaps by default) far too confrontational. This is as much the fault of Moderation in allowing it to get this way, as is it the fault of those who were indulging themselves in their personal wars.
So every pendulum swings, and the JustChat one is now swinging back towards a more central position where hopefully the boards can be a place where ALL members can post their stuff without the ‘fear’ of being personally attacked; where a thread can be started on a particular topic without being ‘hijacked’ by others for the pursuit of their personal grievances or vendettas.
There is absolutely NO intention to stop the general fun; the bantering; the mickey taking; the oddball or quirky posts; the cynical or sarcastic humour; the general chit-chat of people’s day to day lives and concerns and so on. BUT the overall emphasis HAS to be on humour; on being basically good natured; on adding to something rather that subtracting from it; on being on balance nice or pleasant rather than vindictive or just plain nasty for the sake of it.
To those who will undoubtedly whinge that the boards will become somewhat anodyne or boring and the threads will be all ‘lovey-dovey’ and ‘mhahh’ riddled I will say just this:
In reality, all JustChat is actually providing is some free server space and software to go with it. The day to day content is entirely and totally created by the members who post stuff. If you don’t like the assortment of threads that members post because (you think) they are too boring, then YOU post some threads that you think are or will be interesting.
There is plenty of room for debate; controversy; the mundane; the quirky; good humour; whatever topic (within reason or the boundaries of good taste) that you can think of. We have an enormously wide range of opinions amongst our members, all of whom have their own uniques style and all of whom are (or can be if allowed to be) both interesting and entertaining.
The fact is that criticising others is relatively easy, doing something positive about it is somewhat more difficult.
So no I haven’t ”gone soft” or lost my sense of humour, but yes I have totally lost patience with the negative and destructive. So how about coming with me on this and help to make your JustChat membership something to be enjoyed, both for yourself and for others?
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