Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum three boards Has Forum 3 become boring? (aka The War Zone)

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  • #154934

    @pats wrote:

    @stevenage_f wrote:

    @kateee wrote:

    i’ve told u once i’m Bi.tch to u i suppose u could call me Miss Bi.tch aslong as i can call u Retard of the Month

    Can i call you Hoe too or is that reserved for Pats

    :shock: wat am i a fookin gardenin implement now lmaooooooooooooo

    is it what a WHORE is used for gardening ? news to me :lol:


    i’m amused by it aswell it has cheered me up no end but u do seem a little short on the wit so pls try harder i mite even become impressed


    @kateee wrote:

    i’m amused by it aswell it has cheered me up no end but u do seem a little short on the wit so pls try harder i mite even become impressed

    Im not out to impressed you so tough


    Oh and Pats cyber and cam must be boring tonight as you have spent much of your time on her …says alot for Fast LMAO


    so ur another keyboard wannabe gangster……….ur rite i’m not impressed that usually means u have something missin from ur life like a………LIFE try gettin one u wont be so easily frustrated


    @kateee wrote:

    so ur another keyboard wannabe gangster……….ur rite i’m not impressed that usually means u have something missin from ur life like a………LIFE try gettin one u wont be so easily frustrated

    i have one thanks u obiviously havent or you wouldnt concern yourself with me oh and not frustrated either


    @Lambrini Girl wrote:

    One question Stevenage…. Why do you think this thread has run the course it has?

    Because you all like taking a pop at me


    cos ur sooooooooooooooooooooo easily wound up dont deny it, it wont suit u

    anyways i’m off to bed so sweet or wet dreams all xxxxxxxx


    Have you all finished for the night? because im tired :roll:


    @stevenage_f wrote:

    Oh and Pats cyber and cam must be boring tonight as you have spent much of your time on her …says alot for Fast LMAO

    :cry: :wink: :wink: u want my addy steve.u can cum n watch.

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