i’m afraid Hoe is already taken and if u ask Pats she’ll tell u all about it and no its not wot u think u see i dont need to feel so unwanted like u do so i guess u can only call me Miss Bi.tch
YOUR SAD taking the pi ss out of handicapped people but that says it all
I think Steve means that he is handicapped by his looks.
I think Steve is handicapped by a lot of things … Learning to take a deep breath and not taking himself so seriously would be a good start!
I wont back down i told you before,you can all gang up on me but at the end of the day your the jokes because it has taken many taking their turns having a dig its so pathetic
i’m afraid Hoe is already taken and if u ask Pats she’ll tell u all about it and no its not wot u think u see i dont need to feel so unwanted like u do so i guess u can only call me Miss Bi.tch
Oh im not unwanted so get your facts right and i find this so amusing