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  • #296041

    A detailed explanation would not go amiss?

    Seems my sense of humour has proved too complex for JC once again. It’s obviously not the kind of joke that does the rounds where you come from.

    Example – ‘God almighty, what’s happened to your face?! Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I forgot you always look like that’ Think along those sort of lines and you’ll figure it out.


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    A detailed explanation would not go amiss?

    Seems my sense of humour has proved too complex for JC once again. It’s obviously not the kind of joke that does the rounds where you come from.

    Example – ‘God almighty, what’s happened to your face?! Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I forgot you always look like that’ Think along those sort of lines and you’ll figure it out.

    or alternatively… “well skelpt”… hehe jk


    :lol: Never heard that one before, the closest I’ve heard is:

    ‘Do you want us to sort him out’
    ‘Whoever did that to you’

    Maybe it’s a Scottish thing


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    :lol: Never heard that one before, the closest I’ve heard is:

    ‘Do you want us to sort him out’
    ‘Whoever did that to you’

    Maybe it’s a Scottish thing

    lol prefer mine but yup… most prob a scottish thing :wink: :lol:


    Gotta agree – well skelpt is better. Can’t imagine how I’ve never heard that one before, I’ve heard all the rest.

    Actually, that’s perhaps not such a good thing :cry:

    :lol: :lol:


    What a wana know is what do they do with all the body they shave/pluck n wax ???? Is there a big EU body hair mountain ??? Do Tesco’s use it to stuff their value pillows with it ??? Do the green brigade use it to sleep under in their tents at night when they are protesting about the latest motorway ????? i need to know :-k


    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    :lol: Never heard that one before, the closest I’ve heard is:

    ‘Do you want us to sort him out’
    ‘Whoever did that to you’

    Maybe it’s a Scottish thing

    lol prefer mine but yup… most prob a scottish thing :wink: :lol:

    Seeing as though most of the worlds ugly people are Scottish it is only fair to assume that Scotland has the greatest concentration of ugly jokes.


    It’s as if you’ve known me all my life, Fasty :lol:


    @Miss Minx wrote:

    @sunny wrote:

    Hairy if it not ya arm pits or ya legs or ya ar se thats hairy is it ya fairy flue

    And if ya say thats waxed and hairless i want proof :twisted: :twisted:

    Yes I am completely breezy down there….It’s all waxed and as soft as baby skin hahaha :lol:


    Due to your serious and shocking allegations of unhairiness we fast tracked your complaint. Having consulted all our staff members for their opinions based on the evidence available to us, we soon discovered that you are in fact, correct – you are certainly not hairy.

    We have therefore now updated your username title.

    Merry Christmas.


    F00k me you must be specil years and years and years iv been here and only got the name under mine because i had to pay for the c00nt to run round london :twisted: 8)

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