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  • #243230

    lots of woMAN’s problems start with men…..

    ie…. you have menopause, menstrual tension, hysterectomy or HISterectomy eh..!!!!
    gynecology or as it should be GUYnecology….!!!

    feel free ladies to put some ive missed out eh…. i sure we could come up with many eh lol


    If a woomun dumps a man its beecos she has alreddy got a replaycement init, theirfour she has no problum getting over it.

    If a man gets rid of a woomun it is beecos she is pour in bed or cant spell so the ansur four her is to sleep arownd for praktiss and go back two skool four grammur lessons.

    From the mail perspektiv, who cares, beecos men downt dwell on things and no their arr plenty more gurls weighting four them.


    @bymagic wrote:

    How do you deal with a break up?

    First I isolate myself from the world surrounding me for a bout a week or two then… get really drunk as often as I possibly can :-k like tomorrow, that’s a good day isn’t it 8) yeah, already planning to get really wasted…


    @bymagic wrote:

    How do you deal with a break up?

    And do you, think back and “care” what you had, the goodtimes you shared, or do you not give?

    Sleep with as many other women as possible without any emotional contact at all- it’s cathartic, good fun to boot and it works.

    As for “caring” about the good times- it’s not about “caring”, it’s about remembering the good fun you had- thats all, it doesn’t mean you wanna go back though. If you had a laugh, great sex and the occasional meaningful conversation over a bottle of tango, then remember those times…n think next time, it’ll be even better…until then, sh/ag anything that has a pulse


    @Lexia Dis wrote:

    If a woomun dumps a man its beecos she has alreddy got a replaycement init, theirfour she has no problum getting over it.

    If a man gets rid of a woomun it is beecos she is pour in bed or cant spell so the ansur four her is to sleep arownd for praktiss and go back two skool four grammur lessons.

    From the mail perspektiv, who cares, beecos men downt dwell on things and no their arr plenty more gurls weighting four them.

    hello me ickle dislexic friend , where ye been :D :wink:


    @peeved wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    oh just thort.ask matty.hes the expert on bein dumped…….. :wink:

    Haha Hmmmm.

    Here’s hoping Tadpole has her husband leave her with 3 kids, for a younger model, then we will see if she thinks, it’s a break up ffs. :lol: :lol:

    Personally, I think break up’s can be rough, time is the master, it heals all, eventually you forget. 8)

    Obsessed much? :roll:

    There is more chance of me leaving him you gormless s h i t .


    so is everyone back together and living happy ever after?


    @pats wrote:

    oh just thort.ask matty.hes the expert on bein dumped…….. :wink:

    I thought I was :-s


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    …If women learned to spell correctly and could cook a decent breakfast, then the incidence of ”shag ’em then dump ’em” would decrease.

    knowing how to spell and cooking well hasn’t saved me from being dumped :roll:
    anything else I should know?


    :D personally i’d apply to go on the jeremy kyle show.there aint nothin that man cant fix……………plus hes eye candy.

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