Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › GUILTY PLEASURES …..
12 August, 2018 at 12:26 pm #1102236
Good Thread though mooosey88 it’s evoked so many memories and made me realise how many guilty pleasures I’ve got ! Some I might share and some I might not lol One of my secret ones is that I fancy Professor Green. I actually don’t fancy anyone other than him. I don’t know why I do but I do. Obviously it’s a bit yukky being my age and if I was younger it would be more acceptable but it’s how it is and this is about guilty pleasures after all.
so who is Professor Green???
12 August, 2018 at 1:55 pm #1102239Cluedo ? ? Oh no….. that’s Plum
Tis a modern type singer chappie Scep, Rap and all that malarkey ya know ….
What’s that you say ? There’s a ruddy great herd of Wildebeest stampeding over the horizon ? I say…..
12 August, 2018 at 3:51 pm #1102243LOL@somer and moosey and rose even…..funnier and funnier……i like laughing at my own jokes…sorry……..the day somer stops licking mooseys ass this will be really funny……LMAO RATF PML
The boards have a long history of feuds…….I have been involved in a few in my time…..I don’t usually start an argument or make an initial nasty comment…..I often let it go for a while but I will eventually bite…..everyone here lately involved in a spat has the right to answer back in the way they see fit …..however I have noticed especially you Mr Q are goading by randomly naming people on a thread like this where those individuals have not even posted…..seems you want them to kick off and look bad …truth is we all see what we see….your fault their fault…
have a spat by all means if it goes with the flow….but goading and looking for a fight needlessly makes you look like an idiot
i guess my name will be added to the others now
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12 August, 2018 at 4:01 pm #1102244My guilty pleasures…
buying 2 of something ….pretending ones for me and ones for my partner knowing full well he’s not got a sweet tooth….I usually eat both items before he comes over anyway lol….ok that s just me being a greedy cow
Kitkats…..nibble chocolate off ends first….then sides…..then top….eat the wafer…,then lick the gooey chocolate off your fingers!
my sun glasses….I like to have a good old ogle at fitties in the summer without them knowing I’m doing it 😜
12 August, 2018 at 6:01 pm #1102245Hookers. Nuff said.
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13 August, 2018 at 9:25 am #1102263My guilty pleasures…
my sun glasses….I like to have a good old ogle at fitties in the summer without them knowing I’m doing it 😜
First, I don’t know who Professor Green is…
thanks to Ms M, I now have an idea.
Secondly, what be fitties??
I stopped being really interested in pop music sometime in the mid-60s, with a slight revival in the early 70s.
So another of my guilty pleasures has been to watch Carousel now and again since my teens, a good weepie, the inspiration of Ghost, I think? Kleenex ready for “when you walk through a storm, hold your head up high”
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13 August, 2018 at 9:33 am #1102270Sorry sceppers…it wasn’t the inspiration for ghost….
13 August, 2018 at 9:47 am #1102272Don’t be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm….
13 August, 2018 at 9:48 am #1102273Like the likes Kenty……LMAO….you were always spineless in my opinion….like angel and demelza and many others……cashing in….never under stood this why bitches like the like comment…..gang warfare?……more than likely but any way…..your leader wil lsoon be back….his royal highness….moosey……then like all of you…you will be liking…LMAO RATF PML
13 August, 2018 at 9:49 am #1102274Follow the leader?…more like blind Man’s Buff….RATf LMAO PML
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