Boards Index Fun and humour Tests, quizzes and games guilty or not guilty

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  • #59238


    Have you ever wanted to disappear?



    Have you ever faked an orgasm?


    Guilty………….. :oops:

    Have you ever said yes even though you meant no?



    Have you ever riden a motorbike?



    have you ever ran away from home?


    Yes.. With my tent.. :lol:

    Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?



    whats the scariest conversation you’ve had lately?


    Unusual one Mucks.. (Tell me more).. I’m puzzled..

    What’s the scariest thing that’s happened to you?


    bad experience when my dad had tripple heart bypass and he had to get taken bk into surgery, didnt think he was going to make it. v scarey. thankfully he is fine now, was ages ago.

    Happiest memory?


    Being there for the birth of my daughter..

    Saddest memory?

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