Boards Index Fun and humour Tests, quizzes and games guilty or not guilty

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  • #59018

    Not guity

    Have you ever been tempted by drugs (even out of curiosity)?



    Have you ever been tempted to have a tattoo done?


    Not Guilty

    Have you ever wished upon a star?



    Would you give up something precious to you if you were offered a million pounds?


    Not Guilty

    Would you lie for money?


    Not Guilty……………

    Would you confess all………..if you had a secret friend?


    Not Guilty – It’s really no fun if one person knows everything about you. Where’s the mystery? :lol: :wink:

    Have you ever decided to alter your look just to spite somebody else?


    Guilty…………….and bloody regretted it………..LOL….. orange hair not a good look for me lol

    Have you ever gone commando when out for the evening?


    Not Guilty

    Have you ever let somebody go on and on and on while on the phone with you and not really pay attention to what they’re saying because it’s boring as hell?



    Have you ever intentionally done something (crossed the road, pretended to check your mobile phone etc) to avoid giving money to someone collecting for charity?

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