Boards Index Fun and humour Tests, quizzes and games guilty or not guilty

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  • #57928


    Ever Been Shot ?


    not with a gun no :oops: :lol:

    ever parachuted?


    Not Guilty

    Have You ?


    not guilty

    ever been so drunk that you couldn’t speak?


    Guilty :lol:

    Have You ever been Arested for being Drunk and Disorderley ? :lol:


    not guilty however I am an emotional drunk who loves everyone :lol:

    have you ever indulged in anal sex?


    Guilty :lol: ( Giving not receiving :wink: )

    Do You aproove of Anal sex ? :lol:


    :lol: :lol: :lol: you tell us owt! :wink:

    of course as long as its consenting :)

    what age did you lose your virginity?


    12 I think :?

    Do You have a driving Licence ?


    not yet no :roll:

    have you ever cheated on your current partner?

Viewing 10 posts - 4,091 through 4,100 (of 5,874 total)

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