Boards Index Fun and humour Tests, quizzes and games guilty or not guilty

Viewing 10 posts - 3,991 through 4,000 (of 5,874 total)
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  • #57828


    Ever hit a teacher or boss?


    not guilty



    Not guilty (came close)

    Ever wished you could just get away?


    very guilty

    have you ever wished you could start a new life?



    Would you do it if you had the chance?


    very guilty

    would you tell people about you starting a new life?


    Not guilty

    Would you?


    not guilty

    do you think JustChat is dead tonight?



    Do you know where they all are? :lol:


    guilty (maybe on the piss, they all piss heads in here)

    do you like older guys?

Viewing 10 posts - 3,991 through 4,000 (of 5,874 total)

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