Boards Index Fun and humour Tests, quizzes and games guilty or not guilty

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  • #57668

    Guilty, then he flung me!

    ver thought that you were two faced?


    not guilty… tend to say what I think to prevent that!

    Do you think your an open person?



    Do you think that you are?


    yes normally depending on who Im talking to

    Do you trust to easily?


    everyone gets one chance

    do you get hurt easy??



    Do you change your attitude towards someone if you think they’ve let you down?


    depends on how they let me down

    what’s easier for you to forgive or forget ??


    I’d say 50/50 on both, it’d depend on what the circumsstances were.

    Could you ever forgive someone for telling a vindictive lie about you?


    Not guilty – I have had experience of that…someone started a rumour that I was having an affair :roll: It was deliberate to cause trouble :evil:

    Ever started a rumour?


    not on your nelly mate :lol: i mean not guilty :lol:

    would you ever eat lambs brain?? :lol:

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