Boards Index Fun and humour Tests, quizzes and games guilty or not guilty

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  • #56408


    Ever refused oral sex lol



    Have you ever refused to give oral sex?


    Guilty :oops: (but there was valid reasons lol)

    Ever fantasised about the opposite sex?


    Guilty, i’d think there was something wrong, if i fantasised about the same sex lol. :lol:

    You ever been admired by someone of the same sex?


    guilty… (dohhhhh @ my last question lol)

    Ever faked orgasm in last 6 months?


    Guilty! Had to make the neighbours think that i had someone with me lol. :shock:

    Have you ever had a triple orgasm?



    ever thrown a drink down ur ex or sum1 cause they really pi ssed u off



    Ever used a relatives death as a false excuse for sickie at work?



    ever said that sum1 had died or was dyin 2 get sympathy


    Guilty!!!! In fact, very guilty!! My mums mum has died five times according to the books!

    Have you faked an accident in work to get a few days off?

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