Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum one boards Gratz to Witey and little Giz on there Engagement

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  • #212381

    @Tory Girl wrote:

    @tadpole wrote:

    All im saying is i dont think you can have a full on relationship with someone you met on a pc…..

    I have just given 2 examples from this site alone where it has worked and the 2 couples are happy.

    So many people mock or stand in judgement. It’s their lives, if they wish to publicise it, then so be it.

    Ooooo careful, 2 whole couples………careful not to jinx the 4 of them. :lol:


    I’m sure theres more, but some people are wise to keep it to themselves because others just can’t resist digging in the knife. Such a shame that don’t you think?


    OK Fact is very few last most last 1 day matbe 2. But yes some do go the full course and great, nice when people find love. If i were single i personally wouldnt start a relationship off the net, MY choice but if it works for you seriously i think its great!!!!! GOOD LUCK Witey and Gizz hope you grow very old and happy together!


    @Tory Girl wrote:

    I’m sure theres more, but some people are wise to keep it to themselves because others just can’t resist digging in the knife. Such a shame that don’t you think?

    No not at all, we all have opinions. Difference is i say what most of you are thinking. As for digging the knife in, please feel free to grow up, slightly over the top that statement dont you think? :roll:


    Just saying what I am thinking, no harm in that.


    good luck for your future


    Ahhh the wonders of teh tinternet! :lol:



    OK guys not ever one will think its roses to have a internet relationship. And thats ok :) And i agree with Tadpole on this some work some dont lets be honest here the amount of times in forum1 i have seen people fall in love and then next week its all over. But i always wish everyone all the best and i hope maybe this time its the real deal for them. So witey and gizzy Good luck to you both only advice i would like to add to you both is keep it out the rooms any personal stuff people in there dont need to know. Old saying … Give people the bullets and as soon as things go wrong you can bet your life they will shoot you in the ass. :lol:

    Love KC1 xxx


    Peeple reely meat online four love? I thort it was just sad saggee peeple and those with big fourheds who met four one-off sex? :? :?


    @tadpole wrote:

    @Tory Girl wrote:

    Pardon me for acting thick but if they are living together, how much more full on can you get? Also, it can apply to all walks of life, you can meet someone in a pub, fall in love, move in, and 6 months down the line split up. There are many happy stories out there among the bad ones.

    Plus I was informed that dawny from here married the man she met online. It doesnt all have to be doom and gloom.

    Pardon you what? FFS of course its different, they may live together now, but lets face it any internet relationship is all fairy tales and bo ll ox to begin with. You make up a personna for a bit of fun, have cyber sex which i add i find totally amusing yet sad. Then if you can be a r s e d you meet up. Sometimes it works yes, i said that BUT not often as i am tired of pointing out!

    What would you like me to say….oooo wonderful? Or how f u c k i n g sad? I went for the inbetween.

    You had a moan about me apparently, “attacking” your personal life, and here you are, doing the exact same thing. Alot of users do indeed do it for attention… Tad..Remember, it’s what I accused you of doing, and you got upset by it(obviously)..So why would you do the same thing I did to you if YOU didn’t like it? You are so fickle and pathetic…But no one can tell you users any different..Oh well.

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