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  • #1058176

    shall I let mr q reply first linda? to be polite cos if he doesn’t soon ive got a million things to say,you might not really know me but I go under the non de plume

    the worlds most mouthiest boardster.


    Sorry for response being delayed.
    Orson your right, don’t know you,or any one here. I do know from careful reading/learning multiple personalities and interest. Coming in myself needed outside help myself to cope with issues. If you have read any for a few days, have walked around with quilt for 2 months knowing and not able to tell that my co-workers lost of jobs coming soon, not knowing when. Yesterday needing outlet if you will, felt comfort with you and Mr.Q. as he as read is referred too. Not knowing him, respect for user name this is who responded with. Honestly as said enjoyed our individual engagements/responses at a time in which you both provided and bottom of my heart truth provided comfort needed.

    Please do not lower your standards as a man if his challenge provided sarcasm in which you feel he applied. It makes what you both provided in my time of need sad especially if you both get offended now.
    Do you think misunderstanding as you know him long time? Often you being accused of a what you call it, “mouthiest boardster” like you got on defense at times not nice responding. Me too with my friend starting with initial “E”. Did not like him making me feel defensive all the time and with his friends. Eventually make me look like a fool/jerk. Lowered my own standards.
    Do what you will, friend! Just some more thought provided.
    I did post a response back to him in “my ponderous thought for the day..” It may be I too felt a little something, but for him more to ponder about in a nice way, not negative. Relax…ok


    I do not like… gosh I’m scared and a wee bit. linda I do not understand a word you say.. pished right aff..



    Sorry you did not understand anything said by me. Ok. Obtaining knowlege/learning may be difficult for some one and so I assume here from your comments you peed in your pants afterwards! Think understood you clear enough myself. So what have you been doing tonight, drinking, little weed?
    Because if your mind is clear/clean I will be very disappointed. Perhaps my down fall is taking little time to get knowledge from you all here, and learn phrases and about culture some.
    Think your more smarter then you present to be here for others.

    What woman can challenge another person clear about structures, not if her own home land? Question distance in the United States and some learning knowledge from another. How about the perfect conversation of involvement of a terror attack and possible involvement. Seems some one taught you knowledge well because understood your comments so perfect myself…..especially when told to take it to pm private by some one else.

    Perhaps you should take this to pm in private with your educator, he may explain better than I!!!!

    Sad Ruby have been trying to learn to understand you so we can have better chats.


    nah… this was 75’76. we just left school. I got a decent job before I joined the RAF. I had a wonderful laugh. Never realised at the time they were gay and partners. One is a well Known artist, the other is a Gucci/dunhill/pink designer.

    Its a god awful small affair. To the girl with the Mousey hair..


    fuck off “linda”.. you have had about 17 jobs.. ye talk like a robot and I cannot be arsed..


    Thing is about smoking, like any thing else…….you have to have a burning desire to do some thing and it can be done. Smoking is a craving and an addiction true but the secret is to over ride the thinking about why you want to smoke with all the reasons you don’t. For instance….pressuring your self with statements with… i must give up smoking because only puts pressure on you to smoke more. Saying things like…i want to give up smoking because……is telling your self that it will be done.

    In the words of Yoda…there is no try…only do.

    LOL@ burning desire. See what i did there? LOL

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    ya been a politician, a lobbyist, anti trump, pro trump. a person that works for clinical psycology, an ambulance driver. a nurse. a famous FBI agent. a paramedic, a lawyer.a paralegal, a solicitor. and the rest ! this was only on the One day !..


    Oh Ruby
    RAF- Royal Air Force!

    Wow, very impressive. Down deep thought/knew you would have some inner part of yourself eventually would be shared with me. Thank you for that…..

    Have understood from some females in military life of sorts difficult. Men felt woman should have stayed at home, take care of it, have babies, and have woman wait for the furlough to go home to go back again..serve.. but you and many others decided to protect and serve regardless of those in your regiment different from you. That alone says you have great deal of honor and respect for courage. Never forget Ruby.. so guess you telling me the man’s life was a disappointment could not get good sex..don’t blame you could have been boring…agreed.. nothing like a woman who goes on a good hunt to find out later her weapons left at home… not your enemy Ruby.. if you need to explain always ask. Perhaps we can do better together o.k.


    a sociologist.. of Gleitman rescue.. a Marxist, a trotyskite.. Diana Giddens and Haralambus, greek Philospher. and NO one actually believes you .. a sexual pervert.

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