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  • #1083871

    Sorry to hear :(  :rose: :rose: :rose:


    Chat guide GD…

    I too would like to express my deepest sympathy to you and your family, as well as his, at this difficult time for all of you. My prays and thoughts are with u all.

    If you should need anything, stranger shoulder to express your sorrows or discomfort, please do not hesitate to reach out to me any time day or night. I have a good reading well as for your family. Take care. God Bless…

    Xxx Xxx



    :-( x


    Only just got your message. So shocked by the news. Poet was unique, had so many laughs with him over the year. Also shed a few tears together. He was always there for me, a true friend. The only joy and peaceful thought for you is that he will now be reunited with his beloved Shadow and will be watching over you sat by Betty. RIP Fiona love Spartacus xxx


    (((((GB))))))) xxxxx


    I never knew him, but I have posted rubbish all night, I think this deserves a place on the front page, so I am posting this… Stay strong GD, and you do an amazing job at the JC quiz, TY…  :rose:


    I never knew Poet, only of him, but  I count GD amongst my friends. You, GD have been so kind to me that only I can really know. You are a true gem in the quiz and all you do for us quizzers. You know that I am thinking of you at this sad time. Take care GD, and you  know where I am should you need to get in touch xx



    Born has asked me to post this for her as she cant

    she says poet was a lovely guy and her thoughts are with you gd rip poet from born x


    Just heard the sad news from a fellow quizzer


    I have no words  :(   sends gd a big hug x

    thanks for all your hard work gd,  come back when you are ready, we will not let quiz fade away, am sure ari, merc, rams, buster, rams, will do it,  even i will have my list ready x

    RIP Poet x









    We had to wait until the Christmas backlog was over, but Poets funeral was finally held today, it was a beautiful service, where some of his poems were read out, (he really was a poet) his family spoke kind words about him, and the priest read out a piece from me about our life together, I was crying too much to read it myself, in fact I cried through the whole service, and as the priest read one last poem, I placed a large red rose on Poet’s coffin.

    His mother and family said I had excelled myself and done a fantastic job of organising everything, the coffin entered to the song Do I Love You (Indeed I do) by Frank Wilson which was a northern soul classic, I chose it for the words, and at the end a song from his favourite film was played, Somebody to Love from the Blues Brothers.

    After the funeral everyone retired to a local hostelry to celebrate his life, and have a nice meal.  I only had a meal and one fruit juice, while people shared loads of memories about him and I eventually arrived home with his mother four hours later.   The family followed, and now they have all gone back to their homes, a couple of hours drive away, so I am alone again, but I know he is watching over me, I can feel his presence in the house, and strange unexplained things keep happening.

    I cannot believe how fast time if flying by, this Thursday it will be one month since he passed.  I thought I was all cried out, but not so, I still have my moments at home, especially when I remember all the good times we had together.

    His ashes should be back early next week, and his mum and myself are splitting them, her half will go in a family grave, and mine will be kept in a special shell shaped urn in the room he was preparing as his study where he could begin writing again, I will arrange his favourite pictures and furniture from his home, and it will always be known as Poets room.

    Goodbye and sleep tight my darling. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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    Lovely to see you in Quiz room GD



    The lyrics are beautiful, here is part of them, full lyrics on screen.


    I will tell you in two words,
    who I am, what I do,
    and how I live. May I?
    Who am I? I am a poet.
    What do I do? I write.

    And how do I live? I live.
    In my carefree poverty
    I squander rhymes
    and love songs like a lord.
    When it comes to dreams and visions
    and castles in the air,
    I’ve the soul of a millionaire.From time to time two thieves
    steal all the jewels
    out of my safe, two pretty eyes.
    They came in with you just now,
    and my customary dreams
    my lovely dreams,
    melted at once into thin air!Bu the theft doesn’t anger me,
    for their place has been
    taken by hope!

    Jan x

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