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    @cath 55 wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    Do you think it,s good idea to post details like this, or not?

    The details that have been published Bat are of already convicted paedophiles, and yes i do think its a good idea, however, and this is the fly in the ointment, I do worry bout look alikes, you will always get someone who thinks the person they just passed in the street/live next door to/works in the local shop etc and these perfectly innocent people wil be targeted ……..hmmmmm I think I just talked myself out of publishing these mens details ……

    But anything that can save even one child from the horrors of abuse cant be all bad but for the reason a bove …….

    hugs batty xooxxox

    I agree Cath, and it’s unfortunate, the police have put out statements to ask pple not to turn to vigilante action, because they could get the wrong person. But I do still think it’s a good idea.

    Surely to god though, these particular ones being missing, is the best reason in the world to have these scum bags tagged. Never mind about the bleeding hearts and the do-gooders running off at the mouth about their human rights. The day they molested children, damaging them for the rest of their lives, is the day that their own human rights, ceased to exist :twisted: Iv’e often wondered how these same people who support them, would feel it it was their own child who’d been assaulted, would they still be standing proud, in defence of their human rights! I think not. If they were tagged properly, they would never have been lost in the first place.


    Let’s hear it for the Lynch Mob mentality..

    It is the law that needs updating across all spectrums. Life should mean exactly that. Murderers and child rapists should be locked away from society for life. Keys thrown vigorously away.


    @esmeralda wrote:

    Let’s hear it for the Lynch Mob mentality..

    It is the law that needs updating across all spectrums. Life should mean exactly that. Murderers and child rapists should be locked away from society for life. Keys thrown vigorously away.

    Esme I agree with you. its not about having lynch mob mentality its about pure common sense and a grip on reality. Those who committ crimes against children will never ever change, once they do it once , no amount of rehabilitation will help them.. Now this is certainly going to be seen as inflamatory but why do the psychiatrists etc spend so much time with them? the crime has been committed , lock them up and as you say throw away the key. Paedophiles can be very clever people, of course they know what they are/have done is wrong and of course they can show remorse with the weeping and wailing and the sorry’s but it will never change them……if they are truly sorry then they will be grateful to be away from the temptation of doing it again.

    why oh why do criminals have so many chances of rehabilitation and comforts when there poor victims have to fight for every bit of counselling or phsychiatric help often waiting months for an appointment ….???? The men and woman who commit the atrocities are sitting pretty where as the victim lives it and relives it for the rest of their lives…. I have know women in there 70s who still relive abuse…… point is that we have to do everything to keep these people off our streets and away from our children….. me ? as soft as I am if anyone had touched my girls I would have dealt with it precisely iwth the lynch mob mentality ………. no mercy ……



    So would I Cath………..

    Iv’e said this before. When I was with my hubby, we lived in a road not far from where I live now. Next door but one, lived David, bit of a simpleton, or so we thought. He used to look after my house, and the dog, if we were away for a weekend, makes me sick to my stomach now that that man was in my house.

    My son was playin out on the field out back one sunday afternoon, we called him in for his dinner, his freind, who was two years older, stayed out there, he’d asked can Robert come in and wait and I said no, he should go home, his dinners probly ready, he didn’t and that animal assaulted him.

    He got 6 months,,,,,,,,he was allowed to live at his house while out on bail, and he’d regularly taunt pple with,,,,,,,,cant touch me, i’ll call police and have you done for assault!!!

    I saw him couple weeks ago, at very busy station ………………. the same old feelings of wanting to kill him were as fresh as they were 11 years ago, when this happened, cos he hasnt changed, and he never will. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    An excellent idea. They are in breach of their release conditions by failing to notify Police of ANY change in their residential address and as a result can be returned to prison for up to FIVE years.

    Look for your local paedophile here —>

    I met one of them listed… page 2 Alex Dalgliesh. He used to be a dancer on that show the hitman and her…. if only a we could get hold of a hitman……

    He has failed to sign the register after being convicted of assaulting a 14 year old girl/s


    That’s the problem Cas..the ineffectuality of the law breeding the vigilante. We should be fighting for the law to change..not being scared of who might be living at the end of the street. We are breeding a society where each and every one of us is scared to approach a lost child lest we find ourselves suspect of unpleasant motivation. My OH offered a local lad a lift home [the poor wee soul was trudging miles with heavy shopping bags] and I gave him a trollocking for putting himself in..what these days might be misconstrued awkward situation. Such a notion would not even have entered our heads ten years ago.
    The law lets us down repeatedly: depraved predators..rapists..murderers..released to abuse and kill again.
    It would seem that to be locked away for would be required to commit a crime involving money. Human life is held cheaply in law as in everything else.



    Aint that the truth Esme!!!

    Only have to look up archives of crimes involving money, and the sentences given out!!!


    cas my heart goes out to you but you made me think bout the i would kill them thing. I knew a dad who’s daugter had her hair set on fire by some youths in London, she was 9 years old.

    He went out found the youths and he had a baseball bat with him, though he didnt kill any of them he caused some serious harm. Cas he was put into prison for 4 years for that. Now , this is my point, he now feels so guilty not about what he did, but not in actual fact being there when his daughter needed him. he is now (shes now eighteen) spending every waking moment trying to make up in any way he can. Unfortunately his daughter a manic depressive now but Some of it is due to the fact that anything his duaghter wants she gets from him. He is divorced and brings his daughter up himself, he goes to work but makes sure that she is with someone all day and wil drop everything to be with her if called. He has no social life he beats himself up everyday with out fail mentally for ‘leaving her’ when as he said she needed him most.

    those youths that did that to her are now free living their lives where as this guy and his daughter have a life sentence.

    cas hunnie my heart really does go out to you , what you must have gone through and still do is unthinkable , I wish you and yours peace hunnie xxxx just hugs cas xxxx



    @cath 55 wrote:

    cas my heart goes out to you but you made me think bout the i would kill them thing. I knew a dad who’s daugter had her hair set on fire by some youths in London, she was 9 years old.

    He went out found the youths and he had a baseball bat with him, though he didnt kill any of them he caused some serious harm. Cas he was put into prison for 4 years for that. Now , this is my point, he now feels so guilty not about what he did, but not in actual fact being there when his daughter needed him. he is now (shes now eighteen) spending every waking moment trying to make up in any way he can. Unfortunately his daughter a manic depressive now but Some of it is due to the fact that anything his duaghter wants she gets from him. He is divorced and brings his daughter up himself, he goes to work but makes sure that she is with someone all day and wil drop everything to be with her if called. He has no social life he beats himself up everyday with out fail mentally for ‘leaving her’ when as he said she needed him most.

    those youths that did that to her are now free living their lives where as this guy and his daughter have a life sentence.

    cas hunnie my heart really does go out to you , what you must have gone through and still do is unthinkable , I wish you and yours peace hunnie xxxx just hugs cas xxxx

    Thankyou Cath xxx

    I do have peace………I can never help the anger boiling up whenever I see him, I spose I never will, all part of being a parent I expect. He hadn’t touched Mike, but didn’t prevent him having to be questioned by the police, although they were very good with him. He’ll never have peace, I saw the look of fear in his face, wondering perhaps if i’d name and shame him ? who knows ? but while people recognise him and know what he is, he’ll never have peace, small comfort perhaps, but better than nothing.

    It’s awful what happened to that man and I suspect he’ll blame himself for the rest of his life for what he did, not that he hurt those people but as you say, it took him away from her when she needed him most. I think though, that the court sending him away for 4 years was despicable. Specially when you think about some of things these little toe rags do and they end up on young offenders courses, having holidays in the caribbean and generally being treated likey they’re!! the victim!!

    People do need to stand together and MAKE this p ussy footing government change the laws in favour of the victims, and deal out effective punishment to the offenders instead of bowing to their every whim!

    Clarification of Young Offenders Institute………………….(couple I know who’s son was in one)

    He went out in the morning and was told to be back for lunch,,,,,,,,,he returned at 9.30 at night,,,,,,,was greeted by one of the ”officers” in charge and was told, awwww Tony, you missed your dinner, would you like me to get you something,,,,,,,,,he demanded she go get him McDonalds and she did………………………………This was all in full view of his parents, who protested,,,,,,,,,,,,they were told, well we can’t starve them.

    Y’know what Cath,,,,,,,,,,i’d have forced that COLD!! dinner down his bloody neck!!


    Thanks to the publicity of the site one of them has handed himself into police.

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