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    manners cost nothing and i agree with what yous say treat people the way you want to be treated and you gain respect as well .the word sorry is also a word that some people find difficulty in saying .


    Thank you for that post Mrs Clean


    likkle tuts, you are so right. Sorry is a word that people tend to stumble over. I have on numerous times had to use the word, and its does seem a dramatic moment. Yet once said a lightness is lifted from your shoulders. A heavy burden to carry round with you.


    I hate the bad manners of people who won’t get out of my way, forcing me to push and shove to get to the front of a que.

    I hate the bad manners of people who are waiting outside a phone booth to use it after me when I’m only in there to get out of the rain and I’m only pretending to be using the phone. I think it’s really ignorant of them when they bang on the glass and shout ” Hurry up! I need to call 999 for an ambulance and the fire brigade”. Can’t these people buy a mobile phone? What’s wrong with them?


    I hate the bad manners of people who give you a dirty look when you butt-in and interupt their conversation with another person.

    I hate the bad manners of people who show no concern for my groceries when I bang into the back of their heels in the supermarket isles. They never stop to think that I might have fragile stuff like eggs in my trolley that could easily be broken, forcing me to go and change the box for unbroken ones.

    What about those people who make a big fuss when your dog s h i t s on their carpet? Don’t they realise that dogs aren’t capable of using a WC like humans can? What’s wrong with them? Are they stupid?


    @jigsy wrote:

    What some view as rude others dont, depends on the person.

    I hate when you call somewhere, you realise when the other party answers the phone that youve dialed the wrong number, so you say Oh im sorry Ive dialed the wrong number, they act like youve committed a moral sin, they hang up in your ear, but befor doing so, say something rude. That really boils my blood, but if im in a good mood I wont call them back. :)

    Mary the end of your first post was interesting :wink:

    If you phoned me I would say you definatly had the right number :D/


    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    btw the ally… this lot will avoid ur threads like the plague ur NEW…. they will treat u as if u a reg in disguise…. lol but ill yak with ya… as nae c oont answers my threads….

    Oi missus!!! Not all of us are like that you know!! [-X :P

    I hate when people don’t teach ther kids good manners…..after all, if it doesn’t start in childhood, things are going to just go downhill from there :(


    @*Sian* wrote:

    My friends and I were discussing this only lastnight, my friends son didn’t say please, she didn’t ask him for the “magic” word, I jumped in, “Bradley, say please you your mother!” I don’t care what people think of me as I don’t want my child picking up those bad habits.

    It is just normal in our house, no please and thankyou’s, you don’t get, simple as that!

    I even thank the bus driver when I get off, it’s how my mum taught me to be.

    Watch those bus drivers Si’an especialy on a long route with no other passengers ,mind you they will probaly thank you :roll:


    I hate the bad manners of people who give you a dirty look when you take the last biscuit or sandwich on a plate without asking first if anyone wants it. They ought to just take the f..king biscuit or sandwich if they want it themselves and not spoil my enjoyment of my food with their dirty looks. I think they are just plain ignorant.

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