Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Global Warming = Hoax?

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    What do you all think of this? I think it makes sense, if you really think about it.

    I mean, it’s said on the news that this year is supposed to be the hottest year on the British Isles since the Medieval Warm Period.

    Errr… What?! So.. You’re telling us that 800 years ago.. We had the very same problem as we do NOW?! :shock:

    Before industry, before factories, before cars, before carbon monoxide was invented… It was just as hot on these islands nearly a thousand years ago as it is now?! And yet, we’re still alive?

    Wow !! Could have fooled me, all those global warming documentries on UK TV History tried convincing me that we’d all burst into spontanious combustion and our skin would suddenly light up in flames out of nowhere whilst sitting innocently on a bus on a cool, spring, lightly-drizzly may day.

    How do the greenies explain the global warming we had almost a thousand years ago, then? Oh, also, if we’re in such danger from global warming, why is a large percentage of the earth still covered in ice? I’ll tell you what, you tree-hugging, glove-wearing, fleece-jacket-wearing sun-dodging hippy liberal green-voting, oil-boycotting sad acts, once we’re actually out of the last ice age (that is, once all the ice on earth has melted, as technically, we’re still IN the ice age. Yeah, that’s right, we’re still in the ice age you thick kunts. Why else would large amounts of land & mountaints be covered in ICE? Duhhhh f*cking DUHHH !!! Global warming my arse!!), anyway, yeah, once we’re actually out of the last ice age THEN come to me with prophecies of the end of the world because of a bit of warm weather !!

    Global warming is a hoax anyway.

    The earth naturally heats up & cools down over several thousands of years. Hence why we’ve survived several ice ages and still living in an ice age now !!

    Earth = covered in ice = slowly warms up = earth slowly melts = life flourishes = earth gets over-populated = ice caps melt = the oceans freeze up again because of all the ice falling into it = the earth gets covered in ice = the earth slowly warms up again = earth slowly melts = life flourishes = earth gets over-populated = ice caps melt..

    And round and round and round we go…. Again and again and again and again.

    It’s a natural cycle! It happens, stop acting like it’s a global catastrophe. Our ancestors never ran around crying on TV about it, did they? No, they accepted it.

    The above is THE scientific explanation for global warming, and don’t deny it. I’m a student of Geology in university, I study this stuff! The above IS accurate, it IS what happens !! So don’t bother arguing against me unless you have scientific evidence to prove otherwise.

    Now we’ll get the liberal green hippy tossers who have read the above scientific evidence, have also watched documentry videos about it, and have also turned up to conferences with other liberal green hippy tossers to slag the above scientific fact off to eachother posting, admitting defeat on the scientific causes of global warming, they will now they and say..

    “Well yes, there are natural elements involved in global warming, but human industry and human-produced carbon monoxide is speeding things up rapidly, the earth shouldn’t be warming this quickly”..

    ..To which I say, the main cause of carbon monoxide is mammals releasing gas from their behinds, infact, I’m not sure of the exact statistics, I’ll have to look them up in a bit, but, I believe I’m correct when I say that the main supplier of the earth’s methane intake, are cows !! Look it up, they really are – Coming in closely are humans !!

    Which just seems really hypocritical to me. These green liberal hippy tossers are all telling us off for global warming, when it’s them that are the main cause of it? I wonder if this is why global warming activists are so dedicated to their work? Because they’re hiding their own guilt?

    I’m a psychology student at university, and I can say with some confidence that most left-winged political activists are actually trying to compensate for their own guilt by telling other people off for things that they, themselves are actually responsible for.

    I mean, it’s the green liberal hippy tossers that tell us that killing animals for meat are wrong. So, we now kill less animals for meat, which produces more methane in the atmosphere, which speeds up global warming – THIS IS IN THEIR WORDS, not mine !!

    So, I ask you all to vote for the Monster Raving Loony Party. If you vote for the MRLP, what we will do is politely ask all liberal green hippy tossers to commit suicide, which not only will lower crime, increase the happiness of the nation and make our streets look nicer, but it will also slow down the global warming process, according to their own theory.

    So, what else can we say, other than – Give it a try. Kill a hippy green liberal tree-hugging vegetarian tosser today if you care about your country’s temperature !!


    Global warming is a british politicians wet dream

    For years they have taken money off motorists claiming it was for funding the roads but then spent it elsewhere and global warming now lets them say “well driving cars is baaaaaad so we need less cars rather than ending the fraud and spending the money we have taken and wasted elsewhere

    Its the ultimate excuse for an endless stream of additional indirect stealth taxes

    Its a new mother to a series of irrelevant businesses to replace the industries that a money grabbing wasteful socialist government has taxed out of existence or into other countries

    There was a documentary on not long ago and it caused a quite legnthy thread on here, it showed that volcanos, the sea and even rotting leaves cause many many times more CO2 than all of mankind combined do right now, infact volcanoes alone accounted for about 50% of it

    It also showed that its been known for decades that temperature rise PRECEDES CO2 increases rather than lags behind it

    Which DOES actually make sense, because the increased temperature would cause more sea water to evapourate and leaves to rot faster and more thoroughly (both of those are many thousands of percent larger CO2 producers than the entire human contingent on earth combined

    They then overlayed recorded solar flare activity which happened before the temperature rise in every single case and the solar flare activity, temperature rise and CO2 levels all followed each other up and down perfectly

    Its also been known for decades that the times when the planet has had the highest levels of CO2, which is about 15 times what we have now has ONLY been during ice ages, never during the warmer phases

    So it would appear the sun has its own cycles, when its hotter and more ferocious the planet warms up, when the planet warms up the sea, rotting folliage and other natural CO2 producers increase accordingly which seems to make a hell of a lot more sense

    But whenever someone tries to point that out they are kicked off the EU global warming action team even tho their names are still left on there as being a contributer

    If our government WAS looking at being green then we would have bio fuel at every filling station, instead the chancellor wouldnt give Richard Branson the promise he wouldnt tax it as highly as fossil fuel so he built his £100 million pound bio fuel refining plant in the US where they showered him with tax breaks

    IF they were actually green then new house would be built with geo thermal heating and water heating which only involves excavating down about 30 feet under the house, instead they opt for people having to use gas which coincidentally I’m sure generates taxation

    The government, the EU and pretty much most of the world has already decided what it WANTS the cause of GW to be and is now set on ignoring and sidelining any evidence that proves otherwise so the cash cow can be allowed to live on


    I watched a programme the other day, not about global warming, but about how land has changed over the last 20,000 thousand years.

    12,000 years ago, you could walk to france on foot, there was ONLY streams where the English Channel is.

    Human carbon emission didnt cause the ice to melt that created the English Channel.

    Isnt it a damn shame, that millions of people are EASILY swayed into believing the idiots that run our country.

    When will those poor zombies wake up?


    The sad fact Emma is that they probably wont

    Generation upon generation we are taught through various avenues to not think for ourselves or question, so each generation is slightly less free thinking and slightly more manageable than the last which then rubs off onto their kids ad infinitum

    Although brainwashed automatons IS often associated with socialism thats a bit of a misnomer really, to varying degrees it suits ANY government to have a majority of the populace who feel they cant change anything and just have to accept whatever a government does to them which is aided by the dissolution of the family unit along with people living their lives more isolated and microcosmically nowadays

    10 Million people disagreeing with policy individually is less of a headache than 1 million of them mobilised over it, the old addage “divide and conquer” works just as well on a social application

    Even when people do oppose something its usually just repackaged and renamed anyway so the overall feeling is that our government works inspite of our views rather than inline with them all of which makes people feel that questioning, thinking and trying to change anything is pointless and that blind acceptance is all that is left

    So the sad fact is that eventually we will reach the point of no return, and with the current trend in world government being to use the media to spin whatever they want even when there is small pockets of resistance they can easily be painted as an “ist” of some kind or as loony crack pots or simply demonised to discourage association by the mindless majority

    So chances are its a loosing battle as much as I hate to admit it


    Excellent post ubermik.

    Indeed, voter apathy is an example why your words are true.

    I cant give up the fight, but im becoming more disolusioned daily, that humanity is good.


    I don’t believe in global warming I’m afraid, it’s a complete farce.


    How can you not believe in global warming? 20,000 years ago the ice sheet came down to England it was that cold.

    Global warming is great for us, it means we get better weather. Ok we dont get 3 foot of snow in the winter like we did, but we dont freeze as much, AND we have the English Channel.

    If it hadn’t been for global warming, it would be alot easier for asylum seekers to get here from france, they could walk accross the french/English border.


    I don’t believe in global warming. The ice sheets melting are simply a natural process. That’s not global warming. That’s the Earth going through a natural process.


    The natural progress IS global warming, and at some point, we’ll get global cooling.

    Fascists have used the term GW to gain power by blaming humans. Alot of humans are thick zombies, they think that everything our fascist leaders tell them is the truth.


    It isn’t global warming. Global warming means global. If we have global warming, why was I cold last night? It just doesn’t make sense.

    Sorry, but until the field next to my house bursts on fire and people walking down the street spontaniously combut, I won’t believe in the existance of global warming.

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