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3 February, 2007 at 8:36 pm #258502
@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
Rolling Stones?
I knew pb was old but………..
………. innit though :wink:
Next he’ll be wheeling out classics like Sir Cliff
3 February, 2007 at 8:47 pm #258503@sharongooner wrote:
@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
Rolling Stones?
I knew pb was old but………..
………. innit though :wink:
Next he’ll be wheeling out classics like Sir Cliff
Nah – Cliff doesn’t appeal to me …. far too poofy. But I have to confess that the 60’s era music is my thing.
3 February, 2007 at 8:50 pm #258504@forumhostpb wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
Rolling Stones?
I knew pb was old but………..
………. innit though :wink:
Next he’ll be wheeling out classics like Sir Cliff
Nah – Cliff doesn’t appeal to me …. far too poofy. But I have to confess that the 60’s era music is my thing.
Yep, you cant go wrong with the 60’s. I prefer the disco/motown but I like a bit of rock/pop. Gotta be the beatles though for all time faves of that era.
I wonder what people who were “older” thought of the beatles? I wonder if they held the same opinion I have of the likes of that silly little band that are around now….. see, they are so good I cant think of their name!!
(off for a think)
They did that song “its all about you”………. The kids/school girls think they are the dogs b****ks………… what they bleedin called????
3 February, 2007 at 10:24 pm #258505@forumhostpb wrote:
Nah – Cliff doesn’t appeal to me …. far too poofy. But I have to confess that the 60’s era music is my thing.
• verb 1 admit to a crime or wrongdoing. 2 acknowledge reluctantly. 3 declare one’s sins formally to a priest. 4 (of a priest) hear the confession of.:D
4 February, 2007 at 1:14 am #258506@emmalush wrote:
@forumhostpb wrote:
Nah – Cliff doesn’t appeal to me …. far too poofy. But I have to confess that the 60’s era music is my thing.
• verb 1 admit to a crime or wrongdoing. 2 acknowledge reluctantly. 3 declare one’s sins formally to a priest. 4 (of a priest) hear the confession of.:D
I can see that I have a lot to learn from you Emma ……. at least where pedantry is concerned.
It is quite obvious that the context in which I used the verb ”confessed” meant ‘to confess one’s sins formally to a priest’. OK???
“Oh Begorrah and Bejasus Father – forgive me for I have sinned – I have listened to impure music from the ’60’s”
“Right my son, that’ll be 50 Hail Marys and a fiver in the Church Christmas fund. Now be off with you vile wretch and send in the next one”
“Forgive me Father for I have sinned. I have spent several years sodomising young boys.”
“No problem my son, the priesthood has plenty of room for men like you. Your penance is to join the Church …. oh and while you’re kneeling down …. !!!!”
6 February, 2007 at 4:46 pm #258507@forumhostpb wrote:
This is a really serious issue Tommy, and you’re right to raise it here.
The Government cannot do anything, it’s up to the people to do something about this terrible scourge of global warming that has become so fashionable amongst the chattering classes recently.
Following the principle that ”the polluter pays” we should all be prepared to pay substantially more taxes. Those that don’t pollute can have a rebate. This will stop pollution overnight.
Following Richmond-upon-Thames Council’s brave lead, we should all pay vastly increased charges for parking our cars outside our houses. This will instantly penalise polluters and reduce global warming at a stroke.
All forms of air transport should be immediatly abolished, as it is a well known fact that aeroplanes are a prime cause of upper air pollution.
All street lights across the entire countryshould be turned off permanently so as to reduce electricity consumption and thus, at a stroke, reduce global warming.
Central heating should be prohibited by law and all plumbers that instal it should be ostracised by society, as they are a major cause of the planet’s problems.
Fianlly, we should deal with the main creators of global warming gas – methane!!! All cows across the entire world should be slaughtered (especially the fat ones) so as to prevent them emitting the current vast levels of methane gas. (This may cause issues with the Hindu population – but you cannot save the planet without upsetting a few people).
The skins of these cows could be used to clothe all the peoples of the world (except the Hindus) so as to reduce their need for central heating and thus provide a further benefit to mankind. Their meat could also be used to feed the starving and thus alleviate global poverty. (The Hindus would have to continue eating rice).
As concerned citizens of our planet, I feel certain that we will all get behind this plan to save civilization as we knew it.
You spelt civilization right :D You’re not a Frenchy afterall!
6 February, 2007 at 4:49 pm #258508@forumhostpb wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
Rolling Stones?
I knew pb was old but………..
………. innit though :wink:
Next he’ll be wheeling out classics like Sir Cliff
Nah – Cliff doesn’t appeal to me …. far too poofy. But I have to confess that the 60’s era music is my thing.
His favourite band is the Village People really.
6 February, 2007 at 9:54 pm #258509I know a way to stop it.
All we have to do is nuke a volcano and the dust will fill the air for the next 50 years and cool the place down.
I call it the Crackatoe plan.
So a few people will die, who cares has long there coal fire burning, keeping me warm and pi ssing of the green morons.
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