@Velvet 1 wrote:
@melody wrote:
My dad died begging to stay alive, pleading for help at the tender age of 68 – 3 weeks after diagnosis of lung cancer. I would rather take my chances with sitting in my own pee and being oblivious to it thanks having seen that.
I’m so sorry Melody…… when you put it like that I totally see your point… sadly it is an addiction and even as a rational, informed and intelligent being I still cant seem to break the habit
I entirely agree! My dad would have argued til he was blue in the face that it was his human right to enjoy his cigs… until he got cancer that is! He actually got lung cancer twice… both unrelated to the other, the first one stopped him smoking and made him lose a lung but he had 6 years, the second took him with all its might.
I am glad I never started smoking – I guess am lucky I never!