Boards Index Fun and humour Polls Give my house mouse a name.

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  • #332997

    @kneehighboots wrote:

    Welcome to the boards !! x

    Thank you very much. Not sure that I’ll be a regular poster here, but I’ll try ‘owt once! LOL


    hello knee welcome to the mad house, nice to see u over this way xxx lol the chat rooms will seem tame to here lol ;)




    hello knee welcome to the mad house, nice to see u over this way xxx lol the chat rooms will seem tame to here lol

    Thanks Pol! I’ve spent most of the evening wandering through the boards! Its a bit of a maze! lol



    Well amazingly it’s a dead heat so far. At the time of typing, all the names have 3 votes each ….. so I’m no better off eh?

    I must say I like the name Gwenny for a mouse – sounds sort of mousey doesn’t it? But then Cheesy has a sort of cartoon character about it …..hmmmmmmm???


    squeak…and if you find another one call it bubble :wink:

Viewing 5 posts - 21 through 25 (of 25 total)

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