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30 April, 2018 at 6:24 pm #1094668
Many good points. Thank many responding. Mooosey brings out excellent points. Some times our professional who prescribe medications may or may not take themself. But agree many sure use for own personal needs.. Also those sadly who have had severe accidents may be provided addictive products till better, but may become dependant as not wanting to feel the pain. Heard this many many times. Rather have addiction than suffer in pain. Life too hard. As with consents, maturity, right, wrong,…parents educators, and reading every ones good points, bottom line it still comes down to the individual and decisions they make…..our decisions alone are the ones in which we favor no matter if others see it right or wrong. As I use to like actual studies for comparison, recently found out as well that the controller of an experiment can influence or change out comes…of study…throwing in variables. As for charts, comparison studies good, but now you go back to who accessible to getting drugs, alcohol, so…age So if you really really look at this strongly, logically, comes down to human race, individual needs and desires. I have. I have pulled all your thoughts and ideas together, all….and this in my opinion is bottom line, us, our decision….
Linda I agree, we have to live by our own decisions…. although it’s tragic when the wrong decision is made by a kid of 15, with no decent guidance for one reason or another, doomed to spend life as a spat upon, no damn good druggie who the authorities show no support for.
That’s Heroin for you…..
30 April, 2018 at 6:27 pm #1094670One other thing occurred to me while I was meditating on my yoga mat. I bet you 3 Greggs sausage rolls that the author/s of ‘graphgate’ (I like that) are members of the pro cannabis lobby… Do I get a gold star?
Actually I do get a gold star. I look forward to being presented with it by one of the lovely JC ladies, bikini clad of course. David Nutt… Oh dearie me. Pro cannabis, a neuropsychopharmacology expert. But back to ‘graphgate’, Nutt himself says ” “Overall, alcohol is the most harmful drug because it’s so widely used” and of course his ‘research’ doesn’t take into account, at all, the lack of availability of “illegal” drugs” and so obviously far less people use them. Meaning his findings don’t mean very much at all. I do also recall Mr Graphgate producing the same graph during a defense of cannabis use. I got your number! *shy smile*
I said dat I said dat
Lol. You probably did but I only bloody wanted the bikini clad gold star award, innit! Pouts like Michael Caine!
As long as she’s over 24
We don’t want a re-run now do we lol
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30 April, 2018 at 6:29 pm #1094672Lol.
30 April, 2018 at 6:34 pm #1094674Oh Mr Nuttall of graphgate gets a mention here ”Many factors determine whether you’ll become addicted to a drug: your genetic makeup, social history, the drugs your friends take, how much money you make. But the chemical makeup of drugs guarantee that certain drugs are more addictive than others. The hardest ones to kick—heroin, for instance—actually train your brain to crave them. A team of researchers led by professor David Nutt of London’s Imperial College recently set out to determine which drugs were most harmful based on their addictive properties (the resulting article suggested that alcohol and tobacco are more harmful than cannabis and ecstasy, and led to Nutt getting sacked as the UK’s top drug adviser). ”
David Nutt, for those who don’t read the painter’s autograph at the bottom left hand of the picture, is the author of the research graph quoted as gospel truth by Mr Bollox.
I knew dat
I knows you did
but just for dem wot don’t knows.
And top marks for research.
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30 April, 2018 at 6:40 pm #1094676*Beams like a ‘beamy fing’*
30 April, 2018 at 6:57 pm #1094678As I use to like actual studies for comparison, recently found out as well that the controller of an experiment can influence or change out comes…of study…throwing in variables.
Good point Linda which I missed because I am a lazy reader. All statistics can be manipulated to mean whatever the author wants them to mean and what at first glance appears to be a thorough, independent scientific study, is quite often nothing more than propaganda for government or private enterprise, lobby groups etc.
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30 April, 2018 at 7:43 pm #1094683Abuse is unique in the way it damages people because it literally wounds the soul. The ravages of abuse are deep seated and often life-long. This is evidenced in many forms of pathology which ultimately have their root in abuse. Abuse is one of the most significant sources of emotional, physical, and relational damage. For instance:
- Recent neurological research has definitely shown that early childhood abuse, neglect, and witnessing family violence permanently alters and damages the brain, thus leading to a host of long term individual and social pathologies.
- The annual cost of intimate partner violence in the United States is estimated to be $8.3 billion dollars (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2003)
- Adult prostitutes are three to four times more likely than non-prostitutes to have been physically or sexually abused in childhood.
- 70% of all psychiatric emergency room patients report a history of childhood physical or sexual abuse
- It is estimated that two million Americans self mutilate, and a high percentage do so because of unresolved childhood trauma, particularly sexual abuse
- Abuse is one of the primary reasons for homelessness in America
- It is estimated that one-third of abused children will become abusive parents
- Alcoholics are over three times more likely to have experienced childhood abuse
- 70-80% of adult sex addicts are survivors of physical or sexual abuse
- According to an study released by U.S. Dept. of Justice, being abused or neglected as a child increased the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile by 59%, arrest as an adult by 28%, and arrest for a violent crime by 30%
source –
that little ‘bonk’ could have serious repocussions for that child.
3 vodka and cokes would NEVER do that to a young mind
That young person may need some water and paracetamol the next day.
Kids brought up without any sexual abuse in childhood don’t ‘suddenly’ become alcoholics at the age of 18 but kids who have been sexualised and abused or had sex at a very young age are more likely to gain addictions when they are older.
So your ‘harmless bonk’ may seriously mess up a young persons mind.
Very few alcoholics become alcoholics just cos they ‘just like the taste’ maybe try to understand drinkers better before you decide that a young person who gets drunk will ‘automatically’ turn into a pisshead.
No – its cos they’ve been exposed to some kind of trauma.
And having sex with some old twat may just do that.
Young people who don’t have the love and support from their families can be vulnerable and that is when the predators nip in.
‘Its ok shes 18, I may be 50 but hey I ride my bike and I work out’
Shes looking for the father she never had.
The majority of teenagers who have a drink do not turn into alcoholics but I bet you the ones that do have had ‘some early childhood sexual trauma’
Find me a graph about why most alcoholics become alcoholics that doesn’t show a common denominator where young child sexual abuse was not a factor, or adult rape of some kind.
Go on google the lancet
Or do drinkers just wake up one day and go hey I will just drink for the fuck of it cos its such fun to have hangovers.
30 April, 2018 at 7:53 pm #1094687Your ‘harmless’ ‘loving’ bonk at 14 15 16 may mess up a childs mind psychologically.
But men/women who are older do not want to accept that because you just want to get your jollies.
So look at these ‘children’ and they are ‘children’ and see how well they are doing 20 years after you have ‘used them for your own needs’.
Alcoholics are over three times more likely to have experienced childhood abuse. Now tell me that a young person having sex is ok.Then you can post up charts about how bad alcohol is because its so easy to blame messed up people on the booze than to take any blame for putting them there
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
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30 April, 2018 at 8:05 pm #1094693I’m not actually sure the words ‘loving’ and ‘bonk’ belong in the same sentence…….
30 April, 2018 at 8:10 pm #1094696Abuse is unique in the way it damages people because it literally wounds the soul. The ravages of abuse are deep seated and often life-long. This is evidenced in many forms of pathology which ultimately have their root in abuse. Abuse is one of the most significant sources of emotional, physical, and relational damage. For instance:
- Recent neurological research has definitely shown that early childhood abuse, neglect, and witnessing family violence permanently alters and damages the brain, thus leading to a host of long term individual and social pathologies.
- The annual cost of intimate partner violence in the United States is estimated to be $8.3 billion dollars (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2003)
- Adult prostitutes are three to four times more likely than non-prostitutes to have been physically or sexually abused in childhood.
- 70% of all psychiatric emergency room patients report a history of childhood physical or sexual abuse
- It is estimated that two million Americans self mutilate, and a high percentage do so because of unresolved childhood trauma, particularly sexual abuse
- Abuse is one of the primary reasons for homelessness in America
- It is estimated that one-third of abused children will become abusive parents
- Alcoholics are over three times more likely to have experienced childhood abuse
- 70-80% of adult sex addicts are survivors of physical or sexual abuse
- According to an study released by U.S. Dept. of Justice, being abused or neglected as a child increased the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile by 59%, arrest as an adult by 28%, and arrest for a violent crime by 30%
source – that little ‘bonk’ could have serious repocussions for that child. 3 vodka and cokes would NEVER do that to a young mind That young person may need some water and paracetamol the next day. Kids brought up without any sexual abuse in childhood don’t ‘suddenly’ become alcoholics at the age of 18 but kids who have been sexualised and abused or had sex at a very young age are more likely to gain addictions when they are older. So your ‘harmless bonk’ may seriously mess up a young persons mind. Very few alcoholics become alcoholics just cos they ‘just like the taste’ maybe try to understand drinkers better before you decide that a young person who gets drunk will ‘automatically’ turn into a pisshead. No – its cos they’ve been exposed to some kind of trauma. And having sex with some old twat may just do that. Young people who don’t have the love and support from their families can be vulnerable and that is when the predators nip in. ‘Its ok shes 18, I may be 50 but hey I ride my bike and I work out’ Shes looking for the father she never had. The majority of teenagers who have a drink do not turn into alcoholics but I bet you the ones that do have had ‘some early childhood sexual trauma’ Find me a graph about why most alcoholics become alcoholics that doesn’t show a common denominator where young child sexual abuse was not a factor, or adult rape of some kind. Go on google the lancet Or do drinkers just wake up one day and go hey I will just drink for the fuck of it cos its such fun to have hangovers.
Excellent post, and very thought provoking and sobering ( no pun intended), also well researched. It sheds a different light on a lot of peoples attitudes to.
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